Research essentials: Systematic reviews

Are you considering undertaking a systematic or scoping review?

Good preparation and a systematic approach to searching helps ensure your review is comprehensive and rigorous. ACU Library has two one-hour introductory webinars designed to get you started with your review. You can also view the Systematic Reviews guide for more information.

Preparing for your systematic review

When: Monday 15 April 11am-12pm

This introductory webinar will guide participants through the steps involved in preparing for a systematic style review including:

  • Important considerations for undertaking a review.
  • Developing a review question.
  • Developing and registering a protocol.
  • Refining your research question.
  • Where to search.
  • Useful resources including automation tools to expediate searching and screening.

Bookings can be made via Library training and events and are essential. Places are limited.

Systematic searching

When: Thursday 2 May 11am-12pm

This session focusses on advanced database search techniques and is suitable for those undertaking a review of the literature, including narrative reviews, systematic reviews, scoping reviews or similar. Topics covered include:

  • Identifying key concepts and synonyms.
  • Database search techniques including Boolean, truncation, phrase, and proximity searching.
  • Using subject headings or thesauri in databases.
  • Searching using specific fields (eg. title or abstract).
  • Grey literature searching.
  • Citation chaining.

Bookings can be made via Library training and events and are essential as places are limited.

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