Calling for process improvement ideas

We all encounter university processes firsthand every day and sometimes these processes require improvements. Tell us what to fix.

The Professional Services Hubs and Service Improvement team are keen to gain an understanding of these experiences and have launched an initiative to gather insights into processes that could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the way we work across ACU.

Your voice is critical to helping us determine which processes could be improved. While ACU has hundreds of processes, we’re hoping to primarily identify key process improvements that will have a positive strategic impact – and lead to greater gains for everyone.

How do I recommend which processes to improve?

You are invited to share your ideas and experiences for improvement via the Recommend a process improvement survey by Monday 15 April.

Here's how your input will be used:

  • Identifying Focus Areas: Your suggestions will help us pinpoint the top processes that hold the most potential for improvement across the university. Your feedback ideas will be categorised, analysed and prioritised to inform a program of work for the year.

  • Action at Multiple Levels: Both macro and micro processes will be considered. While strategically significant processes will be prioritised, input on local processes will be shared with the relevant service delivery teams, allowing them to address opportunities.

  • It’s your choice: Feel free to submit your input anonymously or provide your name if you are happy for a Service Improvement Business Partner to contact you for more information. Data provided to service delivery areas will be de-identified to preserve your anonymity.

The findings and outcomes of this survey will be shared by mid-year.

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