The program consists of two streams:

  • The Industry Linked PhD stream offers PhD candidates at universities a stipend boost and support to work on research projects co-designed by universities and industry.
  • The Industry Researcher PhD stream supports researchers employed by Australian businesses to do a PhD while retaining their job and salary in industry.

Frequently asked questions

  • An Industry Linked PhD student is a university-based PhD scholar who will undertake a research project co-designed by their university and an eligible industry partner as part of their PhD. They will spend part of their PhD working on site with the industry partner.
  • An Industry Researcher PhD student is an employee of a business that qualifies as an Industry Partner in this program and is supported by their employer to undertake a PhD Project in collaboration with a university.

Yes. International students can take part in the program. Applications can list a potential student.

ACU applications will receive an RTP stipend allocated through a competitive process from ACU.

RTP rounds may align with application rounds. If applications are successful, Faculties should also consider the following:

  • Currently enrolled PhD students early in their candidature holding an existing RTP or equivalent scholarship are eligible (within 12 months of commencement)
  • Students will need to apply for the next scholarship round and be ranked appropriately by the Faculty, to obtain an RTP.

The Industry-Researcher stream involves the government providing a subsidy to the industry partner to support their employee to complete the PhD.

Based on advice from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that grants are generally GST exempt, Campus Plus have confirmed that this subsidy does not include GST.

The responsibility is on funding recipients (industry partner) to determine whether they need to claim GST for the received funds.

The payment will be paid directly from the Department of Education (administered via CampusPlus) to the industry partner.

The Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) can provide advice to industry and comprehensive guidelines on GST claims, accessible on the ATO website.

Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Engagement between the university and industry partner
  • Research feasibility & strategic alignment i.e. with Australian Government priority areas and project impact
  • Capacity, capability and resources to support the development of PhD Candidates.

For more information, please refer to the National Industry PhD Program Guidelines.

  • No, the application requires a letter of intent to be included.
  • If the application is successful, the project should progress to obtaining a signed agreement.
  • The Department of Education have provided a Collaborative Agreement Template that covers Intellectual Property (IP) arrangements, confidentiality, funding amounts and period, embedment arrangements, leave, and thesis publication. This template is voluntary and may be used as a negotiation starting point. The University can use an existing collaborative agreement template of a similar nature. Please contact the Graduate Research School ( to discuss using the template agreement.

The application will be submitted by the Graduate Research School using the International Student Exchange Online (ISEO) application portal.

Please contact the Graduate Research School ( for further guidance.

The creation of a website is highly recommended to support recruitment activities and potentially showcase progress and successes of the project.

Please complete the advertising template and return to the Graduate Research School (

Prospective students should apply within the next scholarship round.

Where can I find more information?

Please refer to the National Industry PhD Program website for further information and resources.

How to apply

Applications for round 4 open on 1 July 2024 and close on 9 August 2024.

Step 1: Preparation

Before you begin, read the National Industry PhD Program Guidelines (Program Guidelines) carefully, as it provides required information for applicants.

Step 2: Review (by 13 July 2024)

For round 4, please submit your completed application to the Enterprise Team, and CC by COB 13 July 2024 for review and feedback.

For future rounds (5 onwards), please send completed applications to the Graduate Research School for review and submission.

Step 3: Submission (by 28 July 2024)

Final applications should be sent to the Graduate Research School ( at the attention of the Graduate Research Liaison Officer (GRLO), by COB 28 July 2024. The GRLO will submit and track the application using the International Student Exchange Online (ISEO) application portal.

For further information, contact the Graduate Research School
Page last updated on 25/06/2024

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