1. Collegiality

Staff teaching the Core frequently speak very highly of the supportive relationships they form with other staff members and the great sense they have of belonging to a team.

2. Professional learning

Undertake LEO basics, Turnitin and Grademark for UNCC training and other technical learning as required.

3. Help to make meaning with students

The core units deal with big questions and real issues.

4. Contribute to the big picture of the University

Core Curriculum tutors are required to:

  1. Attend Core Curriculum professional learning moderation activities (as required).
  2. Undertake LEO basics, Turnitin and Grademark for UNNC training and other technical learning as required.
  3. Familiarise themselves thoroughly with the teaching materials in LEO and background materials on the LEO staff site.
  4. Facilitate the learning activities of students according to the mode.
  5. Be available for preliminary student consultation as required and answer questions promptly from students via e-mail.
  6. Be diligent and timely in their marking and undertake second marking of fails for their colleague.
  7. Identify cases of academic dishonesty.

Page last updated on 17/12/2019

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