Marketing and Communication

Download branded templates, order merchandise, view social media procedures, and read the brand guidelines.

Browse the Marketing hub

Research forms

Browse the range for forms required for existing researchers and candidates.

Find the form


Read the policies related to research projects including policies dealing with ethics and research supervision.


Student Admin

Find the Student Administration forms you need.

Search the forms

forms and template image

Digital standards

We've create a library of user interfaces (UIs) styled in the ACU look and feel, including definitions and usage rules, to help you present content consistently across ACU's digital touch-points or websites.

Browse the standards

Student website support

Access manuals for content creators and approvers on how to write for and edit the student portal.

Read the manuals

Project Management Model

We've developed a Project Management Model to ensure a standard approach to working on projects that reflect the mission and values of ACU.

Adopt the model

Asset management

ACU maintains a Fixed Asset Register. Learn more about the Register, what assests it contains and why.

Understand the procedures

Third party and sponsorship

Understand the process for external sponsorship of our students.

Explore student sponsorship

Legal, contractual and privacy

Explore the resources of the Office of General Counsel and know our copyright obligations and rights.

Find out more
Page last updated on 07/02/2020

Service Central

Visit Service Central to access Corporate Services.

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Learning and Teaching
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Make a request for services provided by Corporate Services.

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Knowledge base

Find answers to frequently asked questions 24/7.

See Knowledge Base