It's important that you feel safe and well at work. We have processes in place to ensure emergencies and risk are dealt with efficiently and to give you the support you need when you're not feeling at your best.
It's important that you feel safe and well at work. We have processes in place to ensure emergencies and risk are dealt with efficiently and to give you the support you need when you're not feeling at your best.
In an emergency there are correct procedures to follow that have been developed to ensure everyone's safety. Know what actions to take in an emergency and who the first aid officers are on each campus.
Know your local first aid officers
We are committed to ensuring our campuses are safe to keep you free from harm. As part of the Respect. Now. Always. initiative, we have a zero tolerance for sexual harassment and assault. Our Campus Work Health and Safety Committees and local Health and Safety Representatives work with us to maintain safe work environments. At the same time, we all have a role to play in maintaining our safe working and learning spaces.
More on keeping our campuses safe
ACU’s WHS Action Plan provides us with a roadmap for reducing injuries and improving wellbeing. The plan outlines the actions we can all take to make a difference and contribute to conversations about safety and wellbeing issues.
By reporting risks and safety issues through Riskware, you enable the university to deal with them quickly and with as little impact as possible, but more than that, you also help the university log and manage these incidents and work toward making campuses even safer in the future.
Launch riskwareEveryone contributes to our Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) by applying safe systems of work. Our WHSMS is informed by strong policy commitments, our WHS Action Plan, procedures and tools, audits and risk management activities.
Access the WHSMSJust as you have the right to feel safe and respected as an ACU staff member, we also expect you to conduct yourself in a way that is respectful and compassionate towards everyone in the ACU community.
Know what is expectedIf you have encountered problematic behaviour in your workplace, there are steps that you can follow to address the issue.
Reach out for helpWhether you're experiencing difficulties at work or at home or trying to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, there are resources and tools available including counselling for yourself and your immediate family, and access to safetyhub and RealTime Health.
Explore support resourcesVisit Service Central to access Corporate Services.