The Portfolio Executive Committee (PEC) will comprise the executive leadership group within the Corporate Services Portfolio.

Membership is position based and will include staff acting in these roles.

The Chair may invite other senior staff to attend when it is considered that their input may assist the discussion.

  1. Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director Campus Leadership
  3. General Counsel, Director Legal, Assurance and Governance
  4. Director Strategy and Operations, PSH - Corporate Services
  5. Chief Financial Officer, Director of Finance and Planning
  6. Chief People Officer, Director People and Capability
  7. Academic Registrar, Director, Student Administration
  8. Chief Information and Digital Officer, Director Information Technology
  9. Director, Properties and Facilities
  10. Chief Marketing Officer, Director Marketing and External Relations
  11. Portfolio Executive Officer, Office of the Chief Operating Officer & DVC


April 2013


Currently fortnightly via Microsoft Teams

RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Chief Operating Officer / Chair

MEETING SECRETARY: Portfolio Executive Officer, Office of COO


The Portfolio Executive Committee (PEC) will operate as a peak planning and strategic forum for the Corporate Services Portfolio. The PEC aims to provide a collaborative and collegial forum that provides opportunities for:

  • Discussion, action and resolution of Portfolio issues
  • Strategic and collaborative work across the Portfolio
  • Enhancing communication
  • Building networks
  • Discussing and responding to major organisational issues
  • Building leadership capabilities
  • Integration of services across the Portfolio for optimum impact; and
  • Fostering a positive and high performing workplace culture.


  • To provide a senior management forum for discussion of critical issues, strategic and leadership matters affecting Corporate Services, ACU and the higher education sector
  • To plan and discuss high level processes relating to the business units within the Corporate Services Portfolio
  • To consider and progress the Portfolio's priorities and Vice-Chancellor's strategic priorities
  • To provide a coordinated and strategic response to institutional and sector matters of relevance to the University and Portfolio
  • To provide regular reports on the progress of the implementation of matters delegated to members of the PEC
  • To act on issues emerging from the Vice-Chancellors Advisory Committee (VCAC)
  • To consider internal and external policies that influence ACU's over-arching risk, planning, quality, and workforce initiatives.


PEC members are expected to report back to their managers and staff regarding the information and outcomes of the meeting, except confidential matters.


  • The office of the Chief Operating Officer/Chair will be responsible for the meetings of PEC. The agenda is communicated by the COO or the Portfolio Executive Officer, PEC members are welcome to contribute items to the agenda via the Portfolio Executive Officer.
  • Apologies for the meeting should be submitted in advance to the meeting Secretary (Portfolio Executive Officer, Office of COO)
  • If a PEC member is unable to attend a meeting, it is expected that an alternate (a member of the Portfolio Leadership Forum) will attend in their absence.
  • The meeting agenda will contain the following elements:
    • Welcome and Apologies
    • COO Update on current and emerging institutional or Portfolio matters.
    • Standing Items (periodical)
    • General Business - Items related to the priorities and operations of the Portfolio or ACU.
    • For Information


The PEC reviews its Terms of Reference on an annual basis.


January 2024

Members of the Portfolio Executive Committee
Title Name Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Vacant Mary Futol
Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director Campus Leadership Paul Campbell
General Counsel, Director Legal, Assurance and Governance Diane Barker
Director Strategy & Operations, PSH - Corporate Services Sharone Ciancio  Thea Williamson-Burns
Chief Financial Officer, Director Finance and Planning Scott Jenkins  Alexis Cleary
Chief People Officer, Director People and Capability  Angelle Laurence  
Academic Registrar, Director Student Administration Cheryl Fullwood Thea Williamson-Burns
Chief Marketing Officer, Director Marketing and External Relations Kathy Vozella  Alexis Cleary
Chief Information and Digital Officer, Director Information Technology Russell Parker Danielle Seaton
Director, Properties and Facilities Michael Tracey Danielle Seaton
Director Strategy & Operations, PSH - Corporate Services Sharone Ciancio Thea Williamson-Burns
Portfolio Executive Officer, Office of the Chief Operating Officer Mary Futol

Download the Portfolio Executive Committee Terms of Reference (PDF file, 122KB)

Page last updated on 29/02/2024

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