1. Overview

The University currently maintains a comprehensive general insurance program with Unimutual and Catholic Church Insurances Limited (CCI). The insurance program is renewable annually on 1 November.

The Chef Financial Officer has overall responsibility for the University insurance program, while the Financial Accountant manages and coordinates all claims and general insurance inquiries.

Employees of the University should under no circumstances admit liability in relation to any incident from which a claim may arise, as this may compromise the University’s position with the insurer.

Staff are encouraged to inform either the Director of Finance or the Financial Accountant of any changes in circumstances which may potentially increase the risk exposure of the University.

2. Financial Accountant

The Financial Accountant can be contacted in relation to any matters regarding insurance policies, claims or potential claims (excluding workers compensation insurance):

Financial Accountant Email: Insurance.Finance@acu.edu.au
Workers Compensation Insurance enquiries should be directed to Human Resources.

3. Procedure for Reporting Incidents

In the case of an incident from which a claim or potential claim may arise, staff are required to contact the Financial Accountant as soon as possible. The Financial Accountant will notify the University’s relevant insurer of the incident and coordinate the claim.

For procedures specific to motor vehicle claims, refer to Section G below.

4. Excess

University insurance policies are subject to excess. Policy excess may apply to claims under a particular policy for two reasons:

  • An excess may be accepted voluntarily by the university to reduce the premium payable
  • An excess may be imposed by the underwriter in view of poor claims history in a particular area of insurance

The amount of the excess varies for different policies - please contact the Financial Accountant for more details.

Policy excesses are dealt with in the following manner:

  • Where an excess is payable in respect of an asset under the control of a department, the cost of the excess is borne by the concerned department.

5. Insurances

The following is a summary of the current insurance portfolio of the University as a guide to available cover. Any enquiries regarding the scope or extent of the cover should be directed to the Financial Accountant Email: Insurance.Finance@acu.edu.au.

The University holds various insurance policies which cover the following insurance types:

a. Property
b. General and Product Liability
c. Professional Liability
d. Malpractice Protection
e. Corporate Travel Insurance for staff and students
f. Clinical Trials
g. Fleet Motor Vehicle
h. Personal Accident - Students (Unicare)

Any enquiries regarding the scope or extent of cover for the insurance policies held by the University should be directed to the Financial Accountant.

a. Property

Property damage

Property protection provides for the material loss of University assets such as real property, including buildings, plant machinery, stock and merchandise and personal property.

It also includes cover against burglary and theft, replacement of locks and keys as a result of key loss, fidelity, loss of money, property in transit other than international transit, machinery or electrical breakdown, boiler explosion, removal of debris, works of art and library collections.

Personal property - staff

Personal property brought onto University grounds is your own responsibility and not covered by University insurances. If you have any personal property on site you are urged to discuss the matter with your personal insurer. Your policy may cover the property under a 'Temporary Removal Clause'.

Consequential loss

Property protection also extends to claims for protection for loss of revenue, increased cost of working, loss of rental income and additional expenses resulting from interruption or interference to the business during the period of protection.

b. General and Product Liability

General liability insurance covers the University's legal liability to pay compensation for:

  • personal injury to a third party
  • damage to a third party's property
  • any person acting on instruction from or on behalf of the University (such as staff, students and volunteer workers).

The   product liability insurance policy covers the University's legal   liability to pay compensation to a third party in respect of claims   arising from the manufacture and/or sale of goods or products.


Enrolled   undergraduate and postgraduate students involved in an incident when   engaged in activities officially organised and controlled by the   University are covered by Student public liability insurance. This   includes:

  • work experience or community placement program (as required as part of the course and approved by the subject convenor)
  • industry mentoring program
  • field activities
  • University related research or study
  • University events
  • incidents involving motor vehicles
  • students receiving any payment for work experience or community placement

Refer to the student insurance work experience and community placement procedure to confirm you are covered.

Activities overseas

If   a student is to participate in University activities overseas, the Head   of School/Department must apply for insurance cover in writing to the Financial Accountant and include full details of the cost being paid by the University.

c. Professional Liability

The University, staff and students are protected for legal liability arising out of a breach of professional duty. A breach includes any negligent act, error or omission committed or alleged to have been committed by the insured parties whilst engaged in University approved teaching, research activities and associated consultancy work.

d. Malpractice protection

The University, staff and students are protected against civil liability for compensation arising from any claim as a result of malpractice while conducting University activities.

Any clinical or drug trial is excluded from this policy.

Cover includes a student practitioner undertaking a practical clinical experience as part of the academic accreditation of the University. In this circumstance prior to treatment, the patient must be informed that treatment is to be provided by a student who is under the direct supervision or express instruction of a qualified practitioner.

This is a "claims made" policy, which means the policy responds to claims notified to the University and Insurer during the policy period. For example, if a claim is lodged for an incident which occurred in a previous year the insurer may be able to deny liability. It is vital the Insurance Officer is notified as soon as possible of all claims and of all incidents which may result in a future claim.

e. Corporate Travel

The University insures University staff and students whilst engaged in travel within Australia and overseas on approved university business. Please refer to the following Travel Policies for further information:

  • Staff Travel Policy
  • Students including PhD candidates, short term internships and affiliate programs
  • Students travelling overseas on exchange programs

Staff travelling on approved university business and the travel costs are being paid by an external organisation will need to send a copy of their International Travel Authorization Form (ITAF) including confirmation from their supervisor/manager or Head of School to the Financial Accountant so that the cover can be arranged.

Private Travel

Conditions apply with regard to private travel. Please refer to the Staff Travel Policy for important information provided regarding what is covered, including limitations of additional private travel.

Personal insurance cover is strongly recommended for any non-University business. This expense cannot be charged to or reimbursed from a University account.

Travel Warnings

International travel on University business may be restricted due to recent world events and currently, the insurance policy excludes the following listed territories for kidnap, ransom and extortion cover.

  1. The insured person(s) country of residence
  2. Iraq
  3. Colombia
  4. Mexico
  5. Venezuela
  6. Pakistan
  7. Nigeria
  8. Myanmar
  9. Afghanistan
  10. Sudan
  11. Iran

The University is concerned for the health and well-being of its staff and students. All staff and students planning overseas travel must check if any Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (http://smartraveller.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx) warnings apply to the intended destination(s).

The advice contained in the warnings must be followed. Travel for staff and students will not be approved to areas under current Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade warnings "Do not travel" or "Reconsider your need to travel" or if insurance cover is not available.

In exceptional circumstances, staff and students may make a case for approval from the relevant Member of Senior Executive upon recommendation from the relevant Member of Executive. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register for further information regarding the relevant positions.

For enquiries regarding travel insurance cover, please email Insurance.Finance@acu.edu.au.

Employee travel assistance program for staff and students

The University subscribes to the services from International SOS, the world's leading provider of medical assistance, international health care and security services. International SOS provides information about destinations before staff or students travel overseas, including medical and security risks and how to stay safe and well when overseas. For specific information on your destination - including Emergency contact numbers, phone information, voltage and plugs, financial, cultural tips, embassies and visas and country facts:

International SOS employee travel assistance program

For staff and students travelling overseas, please ensure that you print a copy of the International SOS member card before travel. Please keep this card handy at all times as you travel and work. This card contains the ACU membership number and phone numbers to access International SOS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you require medical or security advice or assistance.

The International SOS program does not replace the existing insurance policy; it enhances the travel assistance program, as well as the country and city, information of destinations that our staff and students travel to.

f. General Clinical Trials

General clinical trials are broadly defined as a study or research involving humans:

  • to test a drug, or a surgical, therapeutic, preventative or diagnostic procedure or device where the nature of the study or research is such that it requires the investigator or an assistant to be a registered medical practitioner or other registered qualified health service provider; or
  • requiring any invasive procedure to be undertaken by a registered medical practitioner or other registered qualified health service provider

g. Fleet Motor Vehicle

The policy covers market value or the sum insured - whichever is lesser. The general basic excess amount agreed to is $750 with additional age excess of $450 to $500 depending on the state where the motor vehicle is registered.

Procedures following a Motor Vehicle Accident:

  • Do not admit liability in relation to the accident as this may compromise the University’s position with the insurer;
  • Record the registration number of your vehicle;
  • Record the registration number and make of any other vehicle;
  • Record the name, address and license details with any other party involved;
  • Record the date, time and place of accident, including conditions of the road (e.g.: wet);
  • Record the names and addresses of any witnesses at the accident scene;
  • Report all accidents to Police, noting the police officer’s name and station;
  • If the vehicle is not in a drivable condition, request the tow truck driver to tow it to the nearest repairer; and
  • Report the accident to the Financial Accountant, who will notify the insurance company and coordinate the claim.

h. Personal Accident - Students (Unicare)

The policy covers students for accidental injuries and disability subject to terms conditions and exclusions. Federal legislation prohibits paying benefits that may be claimed under Medicare. It also prohibits any Medicare gaps.

Page last updated on 07/06/2024

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