In collaboration with the Student Engagement and Services Directorate, Evaluations LTC conducts the annual ACU Living and Learning Communities (LLC) Survey. The LLC Survey gives students living at one of ACU residences the opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences in accommodation provided by ACU. It is designed so that students can give their opinions on important issues including safety, on-site support, opportunities provided to socialise and meet others, and value for money. The information collected through the LLC survey is critical for ACU to improve the services, facilities and support offered.
2016: 24 October to 13 November
2017: 4 September to 1 October
In collaboration with the Student Strategies Directorate, Evaluations LTC is now conducting the ACU Student Services and Facilities (SSAF) Survey. All active ACU students have the opportunity via the survey to let the University know what they think should be the priorities for how SSAF funds are invested. Students can visit the Student Portal to find out how ACU used feedback in 2017.
2018: 11 December 2017 to 23 February 2018
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