Sub services

  • Lead and implement ACU’s Rome campus ensuring that the University has a visible and vibrant presence in Rome for students and staff
  • Deliver courses and units for ACU students, including research seminars and ongoing professional development opportunities for students, staff and key stakeholders, including staff and student pilgrimages.
  • Develop and project sponsor programs, initiatives etc. providing students, staff and community with a university experience that is authentically Catholic in terms of identity, Mission, curriculum, culture and intellect
  • Provide comprehensive Campus Ministry programs for staff and students (Frontier, FX Mission Team, worship and Liturgical life, faith formation programs, residential and sporting life)
  • Deliver ACU Engagement opportunities, promote existing community engagement programs; identify opportunities for new programs; plan, coordinate and deliver new service-learning programs; develop and facilitate community partnerships and further programs.
  • Develop and sponsor culture and intellectual opportunities that supports the Catholic identity and mission of the University and its Art and Culture strategy
  • Provide Poetry Prize, Book of the Year, Arts and Culture strategy, mission-based arts acquisitions, staff Pilgrimages.
  • Develop and sponsor ongoing staff professional development programs to further embed the Catholic university experience and Catholic Intellectual tradition
  • Delivery of the Graduate Certificate in Mission and Culture (GCMC), IACHE Boston College, Mission Integration Institute University of San Diego, Association of Catholic Colleges, International
  • Federation of Catholic Universities, staff retreats, employment of Staff Pastoral associates in Campus Ministry.
  • Coordinate and deliver key community engagement programs that demonstrate the University’s commitment to working with poor and marginalised people and communities through research and advocacy
  • Promote existing community engagement programs; identify opportunities for new programs; plan, coordinate and deliver new programs; develop and facilitate community partnerships that further programs, support Community Engagement Work Release policy.
  • Foster relationships with Church hierarchy and external stakeholders and promote the University in the wider Church community and its agencies
  • ACU Committee of Identity, engagement with Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Catholic Religious Australia, and various ministries of the Church e.g. education, health care, social services.
  • Ensure that the Catholic Identity and Mission of ACU is visible throughout the University through our experience of university as community; hospitality; worship and contemplative spaces; art, architecture and campus space; faith formation programs, sacramental life, and all communications, staff pilgrimages.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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