Sub services

  • Coordinate and deliver community engagement programs with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community groups, including Elders' group.
  • Implement the Unit’s Communication Plan, including the establishment of campus Elders and community representative groups.
  • Support student engagement with external Indigenous-specific community services and agencies.
  • Improve student success through providing a culturally safe and supportive environment on campus and promoting connections to local community.
  • Provide high quality personal support and advocacy to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to improve transition, retention and completions. Coordinate the Tertiary Tuition program to support improved student success. Liaise with faculties to ensure a coordinated approach to student learning. Promote engagement with relevant ACU services.
  • Support students to access and apply for scholarships (internal and external) and other opportunities.
  • Provide internal Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) scholarships, awards and leadership opportunities to support student success and enhance employment outcomes.
  • Build sustainable connections and rapport with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Alumni.
  • Promote ACU to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students and communities through involvement in Indigenous-specific careers expos and/or schooling sectors’ careers events.
  • Partner with Equity Pathways activities where appropriate.
  • Engage with agencies to inform Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff of opportunities at ACU.
  • Perform related statutory, compliance and regulatory reporting of government programs.
  • Administer, monitor and report on performance and financial acquittals for government funded programs (Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) and Away from Base).
  • Lead the development of significant whole-of-University strategies including
  • the Belonging Strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander success.
  • Collaborate with HR to implement ACU’s Cultural Capability Strategy.
  • Embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in all aspects of University life, guided by the Reconciliation Action Plan framework to facilitate deeper engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Enhance the knowledge and understanding of ACU staff in engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities including cultural knowledge and protocols, and Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country.
  • Contribute Indigenous perspectives in course development and reviews.
  • Lead on-campus cultural celebrations and collaborate with ACU teams in observance of significant events.
  • Support alternate entry requirements for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Work with Admissions to finalise mapping process for Year 11 Early Entry offer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants.
  • Continuously improve seamless direct offer process.
  • Support applicants in the admissions and direct entry processes including partnering with Faculties in providing face-to-face interviews for applicants.
  • Collaborate with Faculties to explore other pathways.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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