Sub services

  • Provide a range of library services, both onsite and electronically, to students and staff from within the campus libraries or remotely, including face-to-face and virtual liaison and instruction for students and staff, lending and document delivery, including sourcing resources from other libraries, provision of online services, individual and group instruction in a variety of physical and virtual learning spaces, provision of comfortable and safe environments with facilities and equipment that are conducive to individual or collaborative study and research, provision of scanning, printing and photocopying facilities.
  • Acquire and provide access to information resources in all formats (with a preference for electronic format), including books, journals, streaming video, realia, multimedia, etc.
  • Acquire textbooks in electronic format specifically for students with print disabilities.
  • Develop and maintain the collection.
  • Provide access to ACU’s research outputs via the Research Bank repository. 
  • Curate and provide access to special collections.
  • Provide support for specific research requests
  • Produce research impact reports
  • Provide materials to support course delivery
  • Provide training in research skills, and advice and training on measures to demonstrate research impact
  • Conduct research to support funding applications
  • Provide support and advice for collections
  • Manage ACU reading list application, including management of copyright compliance and reporting via the application.
  • Perform cataloguing, classification and provision of access to information resources. Develop and manage Library websites and web pages relating to its services and resources.
  • Manage electronic services and systems to facilitate resource discovery.
  • Provide scholarly information to students and staff in a timely and effective manner.
  • Provide access to resources and services regardless of user’s location through the suite of Library information search and retrieval systems.
  • Manage relevant systems which underpin the management and provision of access to information and library services.
  • Undertake strategic planning for library services that is aligned with the ACU strategic plan.
  • Develop and implement policies to position the Library to support the University’s changing needs.
  • Implement innovative Library systems and technological developments to enhance Library services, e.g. the implementation of Leganto reading list systems, contemporary repository platform, RFID solutions and leading library management systems.
  • Survey clients to continue to inform service design and delivery.
  • Benchmark operations and services nationally and internationally.
  • Implement structures and infrastructures in response to evolving internal and external developments.
  • Develop and maintain informative copyright webpages for the ACU community.
  • Conduct training for staff and students
  • Respond to external developments in copyright and statutory licensing to ensure ACU remains compliant with legislation and licence conditions.
  • Provide an enquiry service to assist ACU staff and HDR students to both exercise their rights and comply with copyright law.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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