Sub services

  • Develop and coordinate allocations, prioritise and model the Infrastructure and Capital Plans.
  • Prioritise and coordinate the submission of proposals, plans and projects to internal delegated authorities and governance bodies (e.g. Senate, Finance and Resources Committee, Senior Executive, Executive, and Program Boards).
  • Present the University’s high-level plans for capital and infrastructure investment, incorporating the broader planning activities (e.g. sporting facilities, student accommodation, etc.). 
  • Lead the development and implementation of cross-University strategic programs; e.g. Blacktown Implementation.
  • Lead a portfolio approach to project and program management, including increasing organisational project maturity through improved practices and systems, professional development, and increased transparency of project performance.
  • Coordinate the development of Business Resilience Planning (BCP) policies, procedures, plans, professional development and testing.
  • Coordinate, guide and support responses to Critical Incidents.
  • Plan and coordinate implementation of social infrastructure initiatives.
  • Coordinate cross-portfolio developments to enrich the services, amenities and social elements of the University. 
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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