Sub services

  • Identify and coordinate long-term space needs and potential solutions for teaching spaces, workspaces, and student and staff.
  • Rationalise and summarise space and future projections and stakeholders' requirements.
  • Propose strategies to optimise space utilisation through analysis of existing facilities, e.g. audits.
  • Provide advice on functional briefs.
  • Develop policy on standardisation of space and furniture.
  • Commission and oversee preparation and implementation of Capital Plans and cashflow modelling.
  • Commission and oversee preparation and implementation of long-term plans for campus, amenities, student accommodation, and physical and virtual infrastructure.
  • Commission and oversee preparation and implementation of Campus Development Action Plans that provide structure and a degree of rigour and certainty for proposed projects and investments.
  • Coordinate Master Planning requirements across the University to incorporate the broader planning activities (e.g. sporting facilities, student accommodation, etc.).
  • Manage government relationships and liaison for estate usage/land planning (Federal, State and Local).
  • Manage and coordinate government funding bids to leverage commercial and estate value.
  • Align ACU land use/Strategic Plan with Federal, State and Local plans.
  • Manage relationships with Archdioceses for estate usage and land planning.
  • Plan, prioritise and implement initiatives to manage our building, plant and campus assets in accordance with Strategic Asset Management best practice.
  • Maintain current asset register for buildings including equipment
  • Track trends and deterioration of asset.
  • Ensure annual report submission for asset replacement funding and projects.
  • Establish environmental and sustainable targets that are in line with national best practices.
  • Establish, lead and facilitate University-wide consultative mechanisms (e.g. the Sustainability Reference Group)
  • Develop and manage environmental initiatives involving energy, waste and recycling for cost savings and environmental improvements.
  • Coordinate environmental campaigns to engage the University community (both staff and students).
  • Establish sustainability measures/approaches in relation to infrastructure development, maintenance and operations to optimise Building, Plant and Campus Sustainability in accordance with building engineering principles.
  • Oversee project compliance with University Sustainability Policies.
  • Evaluate and develop business proposals for submission.
  • Establish project briefs and guide projects through the approval process (including gaining Development Applications and relevant permits).
  • Manage project design approvals to ensure stakeholder sign-off in accordance with approved Project Brief and Register of Delegations.
  • Manage project design approvals to ensure design quality in accordance with aesthetic and technical design standards.
  • Manage the delivery of capital projects from inception through to implementation in alignment with approved project budgets.
  • Manage and monitor capital procurement activities including selection and appointment of suppliers, consultants and contractors.
  • Manage consultants and contractors throughout the lifecycle of the project - from design to construction, fit-out and delivery. Manage compliance and probity in the tendering process including ensuring the process is competitive and fair.
  • Ensure project completion. Manage and coordinate implementation and post- construction activities.
  • Ensure Design and Quality governance processes are followed, and design standards met.
  • Prepare landscape improvement plans and deliver works in accordance with approved landscape development strategies.
  • Manage individual space requests and implement minor space allocations.
  • Support logistics for relocation of staff.
  • Answer reception phone and email enquiries.
  • Welcome, direct and provide information to students, staff and external visitors.
  • Manage catering and room set-up requests and other service requests for event bookings.
  • Manage mail services, issue keys/access cards, and manage fleet requests and car park requests.
  • Assist with emergency evacuation services.
  • Maintain, renew, repair and refurbish existing land and facilities.
  • Maintain and upgrade signage.
  • Manage utilities and building access.
  • Manage parking, cleaning, recycling, catering deliveries and retail services (separate to those offered by University tenants).
  • Manage national services contractors and specialised local contractors.
  • Replace broken or damaged furniture and fittings.
  • Provide first aid kit/resources.
  • Comply with legislative requirements, including WHS Policies and Procedures, and Essential Services Management requirements.
  • Manage security and access control services on ACU campuses.
  • Manage the monitoring and security services provided for campuses/facilities during and after working hours.
  • Provide development and effective use of the National Security Centre (NSC).
  • Provide development and effective use of Building Management Communication Systems (BMCS).
  • Undertake site management and coordination activities for incidents and critical incidents in accordance with relevant procedures.
  • Define and manage documentation related to compliance with legal standards for the workplace.
  • Develop, update, maintain and manage ACUSIS.
  • Manage floor plans and technical information.
  • Provide updates to ensure accuracy of spatial information stored in ACUSIS.
  • Provide spatial information data and audit reports.
  • Maintain the University's body of knowledge, particularly concerning Town Planning and Zoning, Building Heritage and access for the disabled.
  • Provide campus maps on the web for students and staff.
  • Manage the University property portfolio as both landlord and tenant for continuity, efficiency and optimising revenue.
  • Negotiate lease terms in accordance with financial approvals.
  • Manage leases including lease documentation preparation for new leases and renewal in consultation with the Office of General Counsel.
  • Coordinate processes for the acquisition and disposal of properties.
  • Act as formal point of contact for communication with lessees regarding compliance with terms of lease agreements.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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