Sub services

  • Support the University to implement, develop, enhance and optimise the use of technology.
  • Provide project, program and portfolio management with professional certified practitioners to plan and manage IT and business initiatives to deliver benefits against ACU’s strategic objectives
  • Design and install IT and audio-visual infrastructure and solutions
  • Develop, implement, upgrade or enhance new and existing enterprise applications
  • Provide leadership in the development and implementation of best practices in project, program, and portfolio management methodologies and process design and analysis
  • Provide Quality Assurance and Test Analysis.
  • Work with ACU business units to understand their needs, identify technology solutions and prepare for the implementation of IT-enabled change, including solution analysis and design, data insights, navigation of governance and compliance processes, product design and implementation.
  • Set, communicate and implement IT strategy, policy and governance models.
  • Provide leadership in the development and deployment of data analytic tools and techniques that assist the University in gaining better insights to inform strategic and operational decision making.
  • Deliver IT services that enable students to achieve educational outcomes.
  • Provide and manage computer labs Provide, manage and support computer and audio-visual equipment in teaching spaces.
  • Provide software and licenses, including access to the Microsoft Office 365 suite of applications, cloud file storage and anti-virus software.
  • Manage, deploy and support printing devices and services.
  • Provide email (including Alumni email) and network connectivity.
  • Provide IT services that enable staff to work productively and enhance their learning, teaching and administration goals.
  • Manage, deploy and support ACU provisioned desktop and mobile computers
  • Manage, deploy and support ACU provisioned printing and telephony devices and services
  • Provide, manage and support computer and audio-visual equipment in teaching spaces and meeting rooms.
  • Support researchers by providing advice and guidance on the development, implementation and use of research infrastructure (e-research tools) and applications
  • Assist researchers with referral and engagement with 3rd party providers of high-performance computing services (compute, data management and storage)
  • Deploy and manage local compute, data and storage infrastructure 
  • Provide onsite and remote IT support for staff and students including:
    • Immediate assistance for in-room technology issues that impact the delivery of a teaching/learning activity or meeting (also provided for visitors and guests).
    • Advice and consultation for the purchase and installation of new computing hardware and software.
    • Remote support and troubleshooting for common IT issues relating to IT accounts, computing hardware and software, applications (e.g. Office 365), telephony (IP telephony and mobile devices) and printing
    • Onsite support for IT issues that are unable to be resolved remotely and require physical assistance for computing hardware and software, printing, telephony, teaching spaces, email and mobile devices and network connectivity.
    • Provide onsite and remote IT and audio visual support for the ACU community at special events and through venue hire arrangements.
    • Provide access to printing and IT resourcing, including ACU computers, internet access and printing for the ACU communitiy through Collaborate Plus accounts. Provide employment and training for ACU students to deliver face-to-face IT support for students to access to email, the wireless network, printing, library computers and study rooms.
  • Provide desktop software through the management, development and deployment of standardised computing environments for staff computers, student computer labs and virtual software environments.
  • Manage licences for centrally-funded ACU software.
  • Provide digital virtual assistants and a knowledge base containing IT support information and documentation to enable and facilitate self-help
  • Manage the lifecycle of enterprise applications, Sitecore websites, portals and collaboration tools, including development and enhancement, support and maintenance, release management, application integration, break/fix, upgrades, testing, monitoring, changes and decommissioning.
  • Work with ACU business partners or third-party support providers to manage enterprise cloud-based applications and collaboration tools to ensure their availability and performance, including application integration, release management and testing.
  • Provide automation technologies for process improvement.
  • Manage and monitor University IT infrastructure and applications by ensuring their security, integrity, availability and performance, including wireless, wired and remote networks, storage, server, database, integration and other platform infrastructure.
  • Provide identity and access management for IT resources including ACU applications, the network and internet, file shares, printing, ACU cloud services and productivity tools. 
  • Ensure ACU’s IT systems and information assets are secure and protected through the development and implementation of security policy and best practice security measures.
  • Provide an understanding of cybersecurity risk and deliver advice and guidance on how to balance that risk, while maintaining obligations in relation to electronic data and adherence to minimum security standards.
  • Provide education and training to staff and students on adhering to cybersecurity policy.
  • Reduce threats to University IT systems and information assets through proactive cybersecurity monitoring, testing and email security.
  • Investigate cybersecurity incidents.
  • Implement and manage best practice service management processes to support the efficiency, cost effectiveness and continuous improvement of quality IT services. Create, implement and improve processes:
    • that support the resolution of end user IT issues or the provision of IT requests
    • to minimise the risk and disruption of IT change
    • to engage and manage third party IT support providers.
  • Provide leadership in the development and deployment of enterprise service management capabilities, including:
    • process design and analysis
    • service performance, utilisation and KPI reporting
    • optimising returns on investment in technology
    • leveraging technology to enhance and optimise University processes and capabilities
    • Investigate and resolve IT-related issues and queries escalated from Service Central.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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