Sub services

  • Prepare, schedule, run and support Senate, Academic Board, sub-committees of Senate (i.e., Standing, Finance and Resources, Audit and Risk, Honorary Awards) and other governance committees (e.g. Corporation AGM).
  • Coordinate meetings including but not limited to formation of agendas, co- ordination of papers and preparation of minutes.
  • Prepare induction materials for members and deliver targeted induction programs.
  • Define governance structures, identify members, define terms of reference and monitor the effectiveness of committees and their processes.
  • Implement improved governance processes across the University.
  • Manage and submit corporate, governance compliance statements (e.g. ACNC Annual Information Statement).
  • Promulgate the University's Constitution, Statutes and Regulations.
  • Maintain the master file of the University's Constitution, Statutes and Regulations.
  • Manage and facilitate ongoing amendments to the constituent documents and maintain associated records.
  • Provide advice to the Chief Executive Officer and Corporation Secretary on the operation of the University’s constituent documents.
  • Promulgate and maintain the University’s Records and Information Management Framework through Policy, Procedure and Guidelines.
  • Manage business records of the University, as required.
  • Manage archiving and provide education and training to staff regarding records management.
  • Manage and maintain the Policy Development Framework, including associated resources.
  • Provide advice and/or support to policy drafters (content experts) in various organisational units.
  • Manage Service Central requests for the policy-related forms.
  • Manage and implement the Privacy Policy and Procedure, processes and reporting.
  • Provide bespoke privacy advice to the Privacy Officer and other stakeholders.
  • Undertake Privacy Assessments for new projects and/or procurement of new technologies.
  • Manage and coordinate nominations and elections to governance committees and student representative bodies.
  • Manage and maintain the University’s Protected Disclosures Framework, including policy updates.
  • Provide advice to the Protected Disclosures Officer and other key stakeholders on procedures for dealing with Protected Disclosures.
  • Coordinate the University’s management of, and its response to, Protected Disclosures.
  • Report to the Audit and Risk Committee on the operation of the Protected Disclosures Framework.
  • Manage and maintain the University’s Delegations of Authority Framework, including updates to the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.
  • Provide advice to key stakeholders on the operation of the Delegations.
  • Maintain and update the register of breaches of the Delegations, and report to Senate.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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