To claim mileage reimbursement for the use of your private vehicle for University business, the following criteria must be met:

  1. There are no campus motor vehicles available
  2. You are required to use a vehicle for University business
  3. Your supervisor has authorised you to use your private vehicle
  4. There is an entitlement under Australian Taxation law to claim reimbursement

To submit a reimbursement claim, log into Staff Connect and select My Allowances. If you do not have access to Staff Connect, complete a Motor Vehicle Expenses Claim form and send the approved form to the People and Capability Advisory Service for processing. Your claim will be processed in the next available pay cycle.

For further information on Motor Vehicle Expenses, including current rates of mileage reimbursement, please see the Reimbursement of Expenses Policy.

Page last updated on 23/01/2020

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