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Why is smoke-free and vape-free?

The University values the health and wellbeing of its students, staff and visitors and the Smoke-free and Vape-free Environment Policy has been implemented to provide a healthy and safe environment for everyone. As a recognised leader in the provision of major programs in the fields of health and education, this move ensures the university is matching its best practice education with best practice policy.

The University recognises the health risks associated with passive smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke and the vapour from personal vapourisers, as well as life-threatening diseases linked to the use of all forms of tobacco.

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What is considered a tobacco product and therefore prohibited?

All tobacco, cigarette, cigar, water pipe or any other product containing tobacco designed for human consumption or use is prohibited. This includes consumption by combustion of plant material, herbs, or drugs using any utensil or apparatus including cigarettes, pipes or cigars, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco.

ACU's decision to prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes is based on the position of the Australian Government's Therapeutics Goods Administration. Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery systems or e-cigs are devices for making mists for inhalation, that usually simulate the act of cigarette smoking. Electronic cigarettes are often marketed as an option to help people quit smoking, or as a tobacco replacement (TGA 2013). Unlike nicotine replacement therapy products, no assessment of electronic cigarettes has been undertaken, and therefore their quality and safety is not known (TGA 2013).

Who does the smoke-free and vape-free approach affect?

Anyone who studies, works or visits ACU premises, including the general public, volunteers and contractors. This includes people attending conferences, events and functions at ACU premises during the week and weekends.

Where does the smoke-free and vape-free policy apply?

Smoking, the use of tobacco products and vaping are not permitted within ACU campus boundaries and controlled properties. This includes all land, buildings, car parks, vehicles, facilities and other property owned or leased by or under the control of the University.

What about ACU residential facilities?

Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all internal and external (outdoor) areas within or along ACU Student Residences including all common areas, balconies, internal and external thoroughfares and stairwells. Designated sections of external Common Areas for smoking and vaping may be allocated where possible.

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Where can I smoke or vape?

Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere within or along ACU campus boundaries and controlled properties. There will be no designated smoking areas on ACU campuses with the temporary exception of Sydney campuses. This means that anyone wishing to smoke or vape will be required to leave the campus.

Designated smoking and vaping areas will continue to be available at the North Sydney and Strathfield campuses. Please refer to the relevant campus maps (North Sydney and Strathfield) for locations of designated smoking and vaping areas at the Sydney campuses.

Once outside the boundaries of university-controlled properties, smoking, vaping and use of tobacco products is subject to local laws.

When deciding where to smoke or vape off campus, please be considerate of neighbours and the disposal of butt litter, to reflect ACU's values of respect to both others and the environment. Also be mindful of your safety when choosing where to smoke or vape off campus, in particular heavy vehicle traffic areas.

What about the rights of smokers and vapers?

The policy is about where people can smoke so that their smoke or vape doesn't cause harm to others. The decision to smoke or vape is a personal one and the University respects your right to smoke, however you will need to do so at another location off campus (with the exception of Sydney campuses where temporary designated smoking or vaping areas are provided). ACU values the health and wellbeing of its staff, students and visitors, and it is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for everyone.

How is the policy be enforced?

It is everyone's responsibility to create and maintain a healthy and safe environment. ACU encourages everyone to be a part of a positive culture change by playing a role in increasing the awareness of our smoke-free and vape-free environment, through local signage, social media and the internet. Implementing this policy is everyone's responsibility. Therefore, anyone smoking or vaping on campus can expect to be reminded by others of ACU's smoke-free and vape-free environment, and it is requested that the tobacco/vapouriser product is put out or the smoker/vaper moves off university property until they have finished smoking or vaping.
In instances where people persistently breach the policy, they may be subject to disciplinary action through the relevant student and staff codes of conduct.

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What should I do if I see someone smoking or vaping on campus?

We encourage everyone to be respectful and civil with others as we maintain a smoke-free and vape-free environment. Everyone can play a role in ACU's smoke-free and vape-free initiative by increasing awareness of smokers on campus by drawing their attention to signage or referring them to resources or information on-line.

Some tips to guide you:

  • Keep in mind that visitors in particular may not be aware of the policy and your approach should be to inform rather than confront;
  • Respectfully request the smoker or vaper to either put out the cigarette safely or move off campus to finish smoking. In the case of Sydney campuses, advise the smoker or vaper to move off campus or to the designated smoking/vaping area if they wish to keep smoking/vaping;
  • If the person complies, remember to thank them. If the person becomes angry or confrontational, excuse yourself and report the incident to your manager or Security.

How is the smoke-free and vape-free environment being communicated?

Implementation of ACU's smoke-free and vape-free environment is important and a variety of methods are used to raise awareness, including:

  • Signage;
  • Smoke-free and vape-free printed material such as postcards and posters;
  • Social media, news items and emails to students and staff;
  • Pre-arrival information to new students and staff, as well as information via orientation programs and induction programs, and relevant university events;
  • Health and wellbeing campaigns for students and staff.

What support will be provided to students and staff wishing to manage or quit smoking or vaping?

The University recognises that some staff and students may require assistance to manage or quit smoking or vaping. ACU will support the process of transitioning to a smoke-free and vape-free environment via a range of health and wellbeing campaigns, providing access to support resources, and connecting people to information resources.

  • ACU will offer QUIT resources intermittently throughout the year in association with other campus events.
  • Students can seek support from the ACU Student Counselling Service
  • Staff can access the Employee Assistance Program
  • Staff and students can seek professional assistance via Quit or calling the Quitline (a telephone advisory service available by calling 137 848), or by visiting websites such as iCanQuit.
  • Staff can obtain online resources from the Real Time Health website via the People and Capability website.
  • Contact your local doctor or medical centre if you are considering quitting.

Where can I ask further questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the Smoke-free and Vape-free Environment Policy.

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Page last updated on 20/02/2020

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