Form Purpose Criteria Must be submitted by Outcomes if approved

Right of
(RC) Form

To correct a university error with a student’s enrolment.     Student must demonstrate that a university error caused or significantly contributed to an error in their enrolment. Assessed by Enrolments and Student Records. 
 Normally within 14 days of publication of the Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) if in a CSP or using govt loan scheme.   Units can be added or withdrawn from a student’s enrolment. 
Re-credit of Unit/s and Refund of Fees in Special Circumstances 
(RE) form 


To allow students to apply for a re-credit of units and refund of fees after the census date due to special circumstances. 

Special Circumstances may fall under the following categories:

  • Medical circumstances
  • Family/personal reasons
  • Employment-related reasons
  • Course-related reasons

Must provide documentary evidence demonstrating special circumstances that:  

  • are beyond the student’s control;
  • did not make their full impact on the student until on or after the census date for the unit of study in question; and
  • made it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the unit during the period the student enrolled in the unit 
Students have up to twelve months after the date of withdrawal or, if not withdrawn, twelve months after the end of the study period for the relevant unit to submit an application and provide documentation to support their case.  

These dates are set by legislation and applications lodged after these dates will not be considered. 
Unit/s withdrawn and a WW grade entered 

Financial liability for the unit is removed

Page last updated on 17/04/2024

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