The Learning Technology team supports a range of learning technologies at ACU.
The Learning Technology team supports a range of learning technologies at ACU.
CANVAS LMSCanvas is ACU's learning management system (LMS) and is the main platform for delivery assessments and learning and teaching. |
CANVAS CATALOGCanvas is ACU's learning management system (LMS) and is the main platform for delivery assessments and learning and teaching. |
CANVAS CREDENTIALSCanvas Credentials is badging platform for the Canvas LMS. Badges are awarded when a student completes a course or competency. |
IMPACT by INSTRUCTUREImpact by Instructure is a support product that allows for targeted, in-system support content for the Canvas LMS. |
ALLYAlly is a tool that assesses the accessibility of your Canvas unit by providing an accessibility rating and tips to improve your unit. |
Annotate PROAnnotate Pro is a browser-based feedback library that can be used with Canvas and Turnitin assessments. |
TURNITINTurnitin is a similarity checking tool that compares student submissions to billions of pages of content from across the internet. |
iTHENTICATEiThenticate is a similarity checking tool focused on research and post-graduate students. |
LOCKDOWN BROWSERLockDown Browser is a custom browser that prevents students from accessing other content during an exam. |
RESPONDUS 4Respondus is an exam creation and management tool that is integrated with Canvas. |
PROCTORIOProctorio is an online exam proctoring system that captures and records student activity during an online exam. |
MYPROGRESSMyProgress is a workplace-based portfolio system that allows students to complete assessment tasks while on a placement. |
H5PH5P is a tool to create rich, engaging, interactive learning activities that can be embedded into Canvas units. |
ECHO360Echo360 is ACU's lecture capture and video hosting platform. Recorded lectures can be embedded within the LMS via a link. |
ZOOMZoom is an online video and audio conferencing tool that can be used for hosting meetings, webinars, workshops and other online activities. |
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