
  • The EPR has been developed in line with the ACU Third Party and Educational Partnerships Policy and Procedure.
  • Is a single central repository that enables users to store, manage, search, view and report all current and potential educational partnerships.
  • Records partner contact details, relevant contacts by agreement and the ACU staff they are engaging with and communications history.
  • Stores various agreement types against a partner or partners in the case of a consortium arrangement.

On this page

About the EPR Accessing the EPR Staff Training and Guides

About the Educational Partnerships Register (EPR)

The EPR is a customer relationship management system (CRM) that captures all relevant data tied to ACU partners. It is a central repository that allows ACU to store, manage, search, view and report all current and potential Educational Partnership types.

To ensure Third Party and Educational Partnerships are aligned with the Mission and strategic direction of the University, operate in line with regulatory and legislative requirements, and academic standards and quality assurance are maintained the EPR was developed with consideration to the ACU Third Party and Educational Partnerships Policy and Procedure.

The benefits of the EPR include:

  • Providing a reference to determine whether there is an existing relationship, supported by an agreement, between ACU and the proposed partner when new partnerships are explored or pursued. 
  • Recording partner contact details and communication history, as well as relevant contacts by agreement and the ACU staff they are engaging with.
  • Contributing to the consistency in approach and outcomes in partnership agreements. 
  • Recording due diligence checks and risk mitigation.
  • Incorporation of workflows to manage reminders, renewals and allocation of approvals.
  • Allocating approvals and streamlining the interaction process with the Office of General Counsel (OGC).
  • Improving staff efficiency and effectiveness as information will be in one place and technology will enhance business operations throughout the proposal, approval and renewal stages.
  • Consolidating all data and processes into one instance.
  • Enabling users to access a collection of information to improve identification, management, and updating of information.
  • Improving data integrity and consistency.
  • Mapping existing engagement activities for opportunities and areas of improvement and/or focus to be identified.

Accessing the EPR

The business units listed below will have access to the EPR:

  • Credit Management System
  • Faculty of Education and Arts
  • Faculty of Theology and Philosophy
  • Education Pathways

If you are a current user of the EPR you can access the system by clicking the link below:

Educational Partnerships Register (EPR)

To access the EPR you will need to login using your ACU username and password. If you are unable to log in, please submit a request via the General Enquiry form in Service Central for assistance.

For new users requiring access to the EPR, please submit a request via the EPR Access form.

Staff Training and Guides

Staff training will be required prior to accessing the EPR. Once your request for EPR access is submitted, you will receive communication to coordinate a convenient training session. Alternatively, if you already have access to the EPR and seek refresher training, please submit this request via the Service Central General Enquiry form.

The below EPR Guides are also available:

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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