The Campus Development Framework is referenced within the Buildings and Estates Policy approved for issue in August 2018.
The Campus Development Framework is referenced within the Buildings and Estates Policy approved for issue in August 2018.
The Capital Planning Policy and Buildings and Estates Policy replace the Asset Management Plan Policy and the Campus Infrastructure Procedure.
It is a framework approach to campus development to ensure that project needs are well considered with respect to alignment to the Strategic Plan and the Mission and Identity of the University, consider both local and national perspectives for the student experience, community engagement and placemaking, and reflect as appropriate campus context and heritage, sustainability and necessary enabling infrastructure.
The CDF refers to the documentation of critical and relevant information that informs investment decisions for each campus.
Documentation consists of but is not limited to matters relating to:
The link between local and national perspectives documented in the Campus Development Framework is further strengthened with the preparation of Campus Development Plans (CDPs) for each campus.
The CDP’s outline project initiatives to support the Enrolment and Research Plans, indicating Major and Medium projects, as well as Programs of Work to meet needs identified through a structured approach to space planning involving consultation with each Portfolio and reflective of priorities outlined in the associated Campus Development Framework.
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