Identify your role as an academic

  • Are you employed in an academic teaching role; for example a marker, tutor, lecturer, lab demonstrator or clinical facilitator?
  • Are you employed in a academic leading role for example a lecturer-in-charge of a unit; national team leader?

Select your role below.

Explore your teaching role

A new academics in a teaching role such as markers; tutors; lecturers; laboratory demonstrators or clinical facilitators.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Who are the key people I need to work with?e.g. National team leader, Lecturer-in-charge? For further information refer to your supervisor, school administration staff or faculty eLearning staff.
  • How do I access the Unit Outline? You will require an ACU login to access to Learning Environment Online (LEO) and be enrolled in the LEO unit. For more information refer to your Faculty eLearning staff, school administration or your supervisor.  LEO guides for staff also provides information about how to get started in LEO and locate your unit/s.
  • How do I access my timetable? Access Timetabling. For more information refer to your school administration staff or supervisor.
  • How do I get access to online systems such as the Learning Environment Online (LEO) and Lecture capture (Echo360? For more information refer to Learning and teaching policies including the 'Lecturer capture policy and procedures' or in 'Suggested support resources related to learning and teaching' below.
  • What resources do I need to deliver? For further information refer to 'LEO guides for staff' and attend a 'LEO Basics workshop'. The 'Teaching Support Program' may also be of interest once the semester starts, as the program focuses on applying the principles of 'constructive alignment' in order to link unit learning outcomes, assessment tasks, learning activities and content.
  • How do I access a list of students for my unit or tutorial group/s? LEO guides for staff also provides information about how students are enrolled in LEO unit and organised into groups. For more information refer to your school administrator or supervisor.
  • What assessment would I be expected to mark/grade? Refer to 'Assessment Procedures 4. Staff Responsibilities' provides a summary of staff responsibilities at various stages of the study period in relation to each unit and its assessment requirements.
  • What resources are available to me as a staff member? The Learning and Teaching site includes a range of support resources, professional development and links to relevant policies and procedures. Other support resources are available on the ACU staff site. To locate key support resources easily refer to 'Suggested support for learning and teaching'.
  • How much time am I expected to dedicate to specific tasks? for example marking; student consultations; replying to email; and preparing for lessons, tutorials or lectures)? For further information, refer to 'Suggested support resources for learning and teaching - workloads for academic staff'.

Suggested professional development

The suggested professional development offerings will help you orientate yourself to

a) the ACU academic community

b) the learning management system (LEO)

Suggested support for learning and teaching

Use these resources to:

a) familiarise yourself with the tasks you need to perform

b) access guidelines and policy documents for your teaching

Explore your leading role

For new academics responsible for developing, managing and leading a team of teachers or National unit (includes lead teacher, lecturer-in-charge or National team leader).

Frequently asked questions

  • Who are the people I need to work with? e.g. markers, tutors, lab demonstrators, lecturers; external partners to the University e.g. hospital, schools, legal or religious organisations). For further information refer to your faculty eLearning staff, supervisor or school administration staff.
  • Where do I find my approved Unit Outline for the unit I will be teaching? For more information refer to your School administrator or your supervisor.  LEO guides for staff also provides information about how to get started in LEO and locate your unit/s.
  • How is the unit standarised? What is the minimum standard? Was the content developed by a person on another campus? For more information refer to the Checklist for minimum expected use of LEO and Guidelines to enhance the use of LEO.
  • How are the learning activities organised in this unit? For more information refer to Blended Learning and study modes.
  • How do I get access to online systems such as Lecture capture (Echo360)? For more information refer to the Lecture capture policy.
  • How much time am I expected to dedicate to specific tasks (e.g. unit design, subject management, student management and consultations; replying to email; preparing resources; teach meetings; moderation)? For further information refer to 'Suggested support resources for learning and teaching - workloads for academic staff'.

Suggested professional development

The suggested professional development offerings will help you:

a) orient yourself within the ACU academic community

  • Introduction to teaching and learning (ILAT)
  • Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (GCHE)
  • Teaching Support Program (TSP)
  • b) and LMS (Learning Environment Online - LEO)

    Suggested support resources

    The suggested support resources will help you familiarise yourself with:

    a) what tasks you need to perform

    b) what support resources will assist you

    Page last updated on 13/02/2020

    Learning & teaching

    Please contact the Learning and Teaching Centre for professional development, resources and advice for your learning and teaching needs at ACU.