Source: Principles from Kift (2009) and strategies from Cooper & Buchanan (2013).
Whole-institution approach
The transition pedagogy approach warns against transition and scaffolding solely being addressed by ‘de-contextualised, “bolt on” skills courses’ (Kift, 2009). We need to move beyond the co-curricular activities approach and focus on a whole-institution strategy. Read the following to find out more about ACU’s postgraduate strategy.
First-year postgraduate student experience
Transition Pedagogy
The following may be useful if you would like to understand transition pedagogy more.
ALTC Kift Senior Fellowship. (2009). First year curriculum principles checklists. Retrieved from
Blount, Y., & McNeill, M. (2011). Fostering independent learning and engagement for postgraduate students: Using a publisher supplied software programme. International Journal of Educational Management, 25, 390–404.
Falloon, G. (2011). Making the connection: Moore’s theory of transactional distance and its
relevance to the use of a virtual classroom in postgraduate online teacher education. Journal of Research and Technology in Education, 43(3), 187–198.
Hamlin, Gary; Kinash, Shelley; Crane, Linda; Bannatyne, Amy; Judd, Madelaine-Marie; Stark, Ashley; Eckersley, Bill; Partridge, Helen; and Udas, Ken, "National research on the postgraduate student experience: Case presentation on the first year postgraduate student experience (Volume 1 of 3)" (2016). Learning and Teaching papers. Paper 142.
Littleton, K., & Whitelock, D. (2005). The negotiation and co-construction of meaning and understanding within a postgraduate online learning community. Learning, Media and Technology, 30(2), 147–164.
Cooper and Buchanan. (2013). Prezis for Academics playlist [videos]. The Seahorse Project. Retrieved from
Tobbell, J. and O’Donnell, V. (2013). Transition to postgraduate study: postgraduate ecological systems and identity. Cambridge Journal of Education. Vol. 43, No. 1, 123-138.