No, it’s optional at this time. The simplest action for you to take is to complete the “Modifications to Assessment” form. Provide this form to your Faculty Admin for inclusion in the next Faculty Board Meeting. Then, notify all students of the change(s) via an announcement through the unit’s LEO. Post the “Modifications to Assessment” form on the LEO in the same location as the EUO. The announcement must inform students that the assessments detailed in the “Modifications to Assessment” form are the new assessments, and that the information in the GUO and EUO are therefore no longer current. It will probably also be helpful to tell students that preparatory work they may already have undertaken for the assessments that have been superseded, is not wasted: they are still being assessed on the same learning outcomes.
Optionally: if you plan to make the changes to assessment permanent for all future offerings of the unit, you may take the appropriate steps to change the GUO and EUO. Bear in mind this will take longer, so it is not recommended at this time.