Sub services

  • Lead and support the development and implementation of the ACU Strategic Planning Framework through effective planning, 
  • Lead the development, implementation and support of the University's Enterprise Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence capability and strategy (EDWBI).
  • Provide ongoing support and development of Risk Management and Assurance services, including risk maturity and internal audit.
  • Proactively engage and collaborate with stakeholders to develop meaningful insights and data-driven decision making using advanced statistical analysis techniques, including supporting the University's load planning process.
  • Fulfil reporting requirements as part of the Higher Education Support Act (HESA) and via Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS).
  • Administer and report on University-wide student surveys, including the Student Barometer (SB/ISB) and Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT).
  • Ensure compliance with the Higher Education Standards (HES) Framework. Manage the relationship with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), monitor the risk assessment process, respond to quality assessments, support Academic/Corporate Governance structures and manage the renewal of registration process.
  • Ensure ACU remains a Low Risk Higher Education Provider, as assessed by TEQSA.
Page last updated on 13/02/2023

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