If a student believes that their late enrolment was caused by circumstances beyond their control, they can submit an Application to Waive Late Fee (WLF) form, a link to which will be provided in the email sent to the student advising them that they have actually incurred the late fee. 

This form must be submitted within 30 days of the late fee being applied. The student will be notified of the outcome of their WLF via an email to their student email account. 

Note: E&SR are responsible for assessing and approving any requests to have these late fees waived. The School may provide documentation to the student to support their claim, however a final decision on the application will be made by E&SR. 

Support for a student with their request WLF can be provided by emailing the Enrolments team (inc Service Now case number).
Page last updated on 11/12/2024

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