How to identify which students in your class have an Education Inclusion Plan (EIP)

ACU staff can identify students with an Education Inclusion Plan (EIP) on a class list via Student Connect. On the report, the fourth column from the left has the heading "EIP". Any student with a current EIP will have a "Y" in that column, aligned to their name and student ID.

To extract a Class List from Student Connect, log in using your usual ACU system username and password. Under the ‘Downloadable Reports’ tab, select ‘Unit Enrolment Details’. 

Select the relevant term, campus, and unit from the drop-down boxes. Select whether you need the data in HTML or Excel and ‘Submit’. You may save the report to your personal folder or print a copy. 

Students with an EIP are responsible for providing a copy of their plan to the relevant teaching staff and discussing their needs.

Note: Check your EIP report regularly for updates as new EIPs can be added at any time.

Important: As these lists may identify a student’s disability status, we would like to kindly remind all staff that the Banner class lists contain confidential information and are not to be shared with students either electronically or in hard copy.


Page last updated on 28/10/2021

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