Education Inclusion Plan

Disability Advisors will not disclose information about a student unless consent is provided by the student and that the information about the student can assist the process of providing adjustments in unclear situations.

Students sign a consent form with the Disability Service which confirms what Disability Advisors can disclose when discussing their situation with relevant staff. The level of disclosure chosen by the student will guide how Disability Advisors discuss a situation with relevant staff. 

Students registered with the Disability Service have the right and responsibility to choose to whom and when to provide their Education Inclusion Plan (EIP) to relevant teaching staff. Disability Advisors encourage students to provide their EIPs and make time to speak with staff and discuss their learning needs as soon as their EIP is developed and at the beginning of each semester thereafter. It is also important for lecturers to remind students that they must provide their EIP in advance to have their adjustments applied.

If a student’s disability, health condition, or caring responsibilities are impacting their studies, they can register for disability support. To develop an EIP, a student must book an appointment with a Disability Advisor and provide relevant documentation from an appropriate health professional documenting their diagnosis, the impact of their condition on their studies and recommended reasonable adjustments. The Disability Advisor will work with the student to develop an EIP which will outline the reasonable adjustments they may need in the learning environment.

Supporting documentation and details regarding the student's condition/carer status have been provided and are stored confidentially. The EIP becomes the documentary evidence to support extension requests. Students are not required to provide further medical documentation and are advised to follow the Assessment Procedures and attach their EIP as documentary evidence. 

Upon submission of the EX form, students should be given not less than 1 week and not more than 2 weeks. Factors which may influence the variance of time within that guideline may include: the nature and current situation of the student’s disability (which they may or may not specifically disclose), and/or the nature of the task and what is considered reasonable given semester timeframes. Students are informed that they must negotiate the exact amount of time with the Lecturer in Charge. They are also advised that more time may be sought through the Special Consideration process with further medical documentation provided at that time.

Consideration of attendance requirements should always be related to the learning outcomes of the unit. If a student has absences from class because of their condition or carer related circumstances, and this is indicated as an adjustment on their EIP, consideration may be given to the provision of alternate activities to meet the learning outcomes. Options may include strategies such as reduced attendance requirements, provision of missed materials, attending an alternate tutorial group, attending via video link or an opportunity to complete an alternate assessment.

Any activities expected of students to mitigate missed learning opportunities should be directly related to the specific learning experience. Additionally, careful consideration is recommended when allocating assessment type activities to make up for absences, to prevent situations where students may fall further behind due to having to complete additional tasks in addition to standard assessment requirements for a unit/class. 

In situations where a student knows that their condition/carer responsibilities presents a high likelihood of absences, it may be advantageous to discuss at the outset of semester how to manage attendance. In this way, it is proactive, planned, and both the student and staff are aware of and have strategies to manage absences. Further information regarding attendance requirements are available in the Assessment Policy and Procedures. 

Students with EIPs have the responsibility for providing relevant teaching staff with a copy of their EIP and for discussing their needs directly with staff. Students may choose not to disclose/provide their EIP for a unit of study. This can be for several reasons, including an understanding that they will not require the adjustments within the EIP for a particular unit of study. 

LICs may wish to make a general announcement at the beginning of semester in class or via LEO to invite students to provide their EIPs to the LIC and to make a time to discuss their adjustments. 

EIPs can be created at any time during the semester. Students are encouraged to provide their EIPs to teaching staff as soon as is practical, and then at the beginning of each semester thereafter. 

You can find instructions on how to download a class list that shows which students have an EIP on the EIP Class List Instructions. 

It may be useful to understand why it is felt that a diagnosis will assist in understanding how to support a student with an EIP. Often it is impacts of the condition (not the condition itself) that are most useful when considering adjustments. It is important to note that often people have pre-conceived ideas of what a condition is, how it will impact on an individual, and what adjustments may be useful to the student. The pre-conception can impact on the way that the student is perceived, possibly resulting in either positive or negative discrimination. 

It is also important to remember that the adjustments listed on the EIP will not change whether you know a student’s diagnosis. Students’ adjustments have been determined based on need and medical documentation. Further, students have already indicated to their Disability Advisor what level of information they are comfortable sharing. Students that are comfortable sharing further information with staff, will either volunteer that information, or the Disability Advisor will put a note to that effect on the EIP. 

The EIP will list recommendations to manage impacts/barriers for a student in the learning environment. If you are struggling to consider reasonable adjustments for a student, you can contact a Disability Advisor and explore possible ideas to ensure learning outcomes are met in a flexible way. 

There are two types of EIPs: temporary and ongoing. 

For temporary conditions, students will be issued with a temporary EIP. These EIPs have an end date stated at the top of the document. 

Where the condition is ongoing or long-term, students will be issued with an ongoing EIP. These EIPs are permanent with no end date. 

It is important to accept an ongoing EIP as valid if there is no end date on it, even if the date created or date updated appears to be a long time ago. A new EIP may not be printed if there are no changes required when reviewed. If you have any questions, please contact the local Disability Advisor in the first instance. 

EIPs and educational adjustments are reviewed approximately every 1 - 2 years (more frequently if the condition is newly diagnosed, temporary, or unstable) by a Disability Advisor and changes are made accordingly (if required). 

Students who change courses will need to make an appointment to meet with a Disability Advisor to ensure that their EIP is updated to suit the new course of study.



Students who have been allocated extra working time in examinations have received this adjustment based on a professional assessment of their medical documentation and ability to complete such a task given the limitations of their condition compared to other students. Examination adjustments are designed to reduce the barriers.

It is important to remember that students not experiencing those barriers would not be impacted in the same way, and therefore do not need this adjustment. 

For central and deferred examinations, adjustments are administered by Examinations & Results (E&R) except for the following assistance from LICs: 

  • Special formatting requirements (e.g. particular font or font size; special size requirements for images or tables; extra space to write) 
  • Extra paper or ‘Scratch paper’ for formulating ideas 
  • Special coloured paper 
  • Exams copied onto USBs (including provision of a USB). 

As outlined in section 5.2.8 of the Examination Procedures for Staff: 'Where an examination paper requires special formatting in accordance with an approved Education Inclusion Plan (EIP), the Lecturer in Charge is responsible for providing the specially formatted paper to the Examination Distribution Rooms not later than the Friday prior to the commencement of the central examination period.' 

All school-based tests exams/quizzes scheduled outside the official central exams and deferred examination periods, including those in a non-standard study periods such as summer or winter school, are the responsibility of the School concerned. It is the responsibility of the School to affect the recommended exam adjustments as advised on the Education Inclusion Plan. This includes employing appropriately qualified staff as necessary, such as scribes or additional supervisors and the creation of the exam/test in the specified alternative format (which is specifically the LIC’s responsibility). 

Additionally, all practical examinations (i.e., nursing practical exams), although administered as central examinations, are coordinated, and supervised by the relevant School. 

For further information, please see Disability Exam Adjustments as well as the Examination Policy and Examination Procedures.


If a student has an adjustment contained in their EIP that requests permission to record lectures and/or tutorials, they may use digital recorders, smart phones, tablets, or laptops to record lectures. In some cases, tutorials may also be recorded as long as they do so in accordance with the Lecture Capture Policy. Students are required to discuss this with academic staff before recording. 

  • If lecture recording technology is available in the venue where a class is being held, and a lecture is already being recorded and uploaded to LEO, this is a suitable way of providing for this adjustment (the Echo360 Staff Page gives Lecturers good information about the responsibilities and logistics for recording lectures). 
  • When students request to record a tutorial where students discuss personal stories or experiences, it is acceptable not to allow recording due to privacy issues. 
  • Students may ask to simply record tutorials where exams or assignments are discussed, and in those circumstances, this would likely be a reasonable request. 

If the student’s EIP recommends extensions based on disability related circumstances, they still need to apply for that extension using the established university procedures. This includes completing an EX form prior to the due date of the assignment. Consideration given to late submission is at the discretion of the LIC. Students also have the option to complete an application for Special Consideration (with additional documentary evidence) if appropriate. Details of when the Special Consideration application should be completed and how to submit it can be found on the Student Portal

Based on need and documentation that supports that need, some students are given priority allocation to give them maximum flexibility with organising their study timetable. Not all students with EIPs are given this adjustment. 

From 2021, students starting at ACU will be given a timetable for their first semester as soon as they enrol. Continuing students will submit their class preferences during the preference entry period. Students are responsible for checking the relevant timetabling dates on the ACU website. Students with priority allocation submit their preferences at the same time as other students. Sometimes students miss the preference entry period for a legitimate reason and may approach the School directly for assistance in selecting classes they need. The student should provide their EIP as evidence that they have this adjustment. It is generally recommended that the change be made where it is still possible to do so. 

Where a student does not have the adjustment for priority allocation indicated on their EIP, they would be expected to abide by the same guidelines for selecting classes as the general student body. If they feel they should qualify for priority allocation based on their condition, they will need to provide evidence of this to the Disability Service. Please contact your local Disability Advisor if you are not sure if a student should be given priority preferences.

Any adjustments recommended on a student’s EIP have been assessed as reasonable by a Disability Advisor. These adjustments have been based on the student’s medical documentation with consideration of the learning requirements of the student’s course. To comply with legislative requirements, adjustments listed in the EIP need to be implemented unless the adjustment compromises the academic integrity/learning outcomes of the unit. 

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 state: 

In assessing whether a particular adjustment for a student is reasonable, regard should be had to all the relevant circumstances and interests, including the following: 

(a) the student’s disability; 

(b) the views of the student or the student’s associate, given under section 3.5; 

(c) the effect of the adjustment on the student, including the effect on the student’s: 

(i) ability to achieve learning outcomes; and 

(ii) ability to participate in courses or programs; and 

(iii) independence; 

(d) the effect of the proposed adjustment on anyone else affected, including the education provider, staff and other students; 

(e) the costs and benefits of making the adjustment. 

In assessing whether an adjustment to the course or program in which the student is enrolled, or proposes to be enrolled, is reasonable, the provider is entitled to maintain the academic requirements of the course or program, and other requirements or components that are inherent or essential to its nature. 

Please contact the Disability Advisors on your campus to assist you to the recommended adjustments, or a suitable alternative to the recommended adjustments. 

Lecturers can also provide adjustments for students with health or mental health conditions, learning disability or the student’s caring status if they deem it necessary, even if the adjustment is not on an EIP. The Disability Advisor on your campus can discuss this further with you. 


Alternate formats are other ways of publishing information besides regular print, such as audio book, captioned videos or enlarged print. Some of these formats can be used by everyone while others are designed to address the specific needs of a user. 

Accessible formats are ways in which documents can be accessed by everyone, particularly those with a visual impairment. PDFs made from an original document are more accessible than a PDF made from a scanned copy of a document. However, fully accessible documents use embedded links (to prevent someone listening to the text of full URLs), particular styles to indicate titles, headings, subheadings, particular kinds of emphasis and so on (e.g. as per the “Style” ribbon on the “Home” tab of MS Word), and other types of special inclusions such as image captions or text alternatives to images. For more information on how to make learning materials more accessible for all students, please see: Creating Learning Materials for All Students (DOCX, 26KB)

Generally, official processes and procedures are the same for all students. Any differences for students with disabilities are typically outlined in the University’s policy and procedure documents where applicable (e.g. exam procedures, etc). If you have any questions about a potential difference or an adjustment you feel should be made to give the student fair access to a policy or process, please contact your local Disability Advisor for advice. You can also view the Students with Disabilities – Policies and Procedures for more information. 

Some students may find that they experience no barriers to their studies or are able to manage the impacts of their condition independently through their own resources. As a result, they may not register with Disability Services. There may be times when students require some or all adjustments outlined in their EIP, whilst at other times they are able to engage with their studies independent of their adjustments. 

All students, including students with disabilities, are subject to the University’s Code of Conduct. If a behavioural issue arises with a student who has an EIP, staff should follow the standard University procedures designated for all students. Depending on the student’s circumstances, staff may need to adjust the way a student accesses information regarding the policy or process at hand, or the timeframe in which to work with the student regarding their conduct. If you need advice about a student and possible adjustments needed to ensure they are treated fairly whilst maintaining University standards of academic and non-academic conduct, please contact your local Disability Advisor

Disability Advisors are not able to provide any evidence of a student’s fitness to practice in their respective fields. Your Head of School may be best placed to provide guidance on the appropriate process to follow for confirming fitness to practice. We would advise talking to students about any concerns in a timely and pastoral manner (e.g. when a lecturer becomes aware of concerns). 

We support Schools educating all students to understand what ‘Fitness for Practice’ means, ensuring that they are informed, and able to confidently complete the required paperwork for placements. This also enables further exploration with a student if they have stated that there are no concerns, however, staff have observed concerns and wish to explore these further with the student. When fitness to practice is in question or is being discussed with students, is important to apply fitness to practice procedures equitably across the student population regardless of whether they hold an EIP or not. Disability Advisors are available to confidentially discuss with students any queries they have about their own fitness to practice, or how they may handle any symptoms of their condition or disclosure (or non-disclosure) of their condition on placement. 

If it is felt that a medical or psychological clearance for a student to attend placement is advisable, it is important to have a clear rationale. The student should be made aware of the concerns and provided with the opportunity to address them with enough time to resolve any misunderstandings or to put appropriate supports into place where possible. 

Page last updated on 28/10/2021

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