Personal details
Given name, surname, personal email and mobile number
Preferred campus
Prospective students are asked to select their first campus preference. Their second campus preference is optional and doesn't have to be included on new forms.
Preferred study area
Prospective students have the option to select their top study area preference, for example allied health, theology, business and teaching. Optionally they can select their second preference study area on many forms.
Audience and school graduation year
Audiences, or the users that each form targets, include:
- School student (Years 7 to 12)
- School leaver (left school in the past 3 years)
- Non-school leaver (left school more than 3 years ago)
- Postgraduate
- Research
- Parent
Year graduate(d) from school:
- School students, school leavers and parents are asked to select the year they graduate(d) from school.
- Each year, we adjust the years available to select on the form for each audience, so it is possible to follow their path from school student to school leaver to non-school leaver.
- In 2020, the year graduate(d) from school options by audience were:
- School students and parents: 2020 to 2025
- School leaver: 2017 to 2019
- These need to be updated each year. Be aware when you plan a new form.
Hidden information
Hidden information is data used internally to help with our record-keeping. Everyone who submits a standard prospective domestic student form:
- is tagged as a prospective student
- is tagged as a domestic student
- is tagged as opting into communications *
- is tagged as agreeing to the competition terms and conditions *
- has their preferred campus captured, if the form is campus specific. This makes the form easier to complete, but ACU still gets all the information we need.
* There is a clause on the standard form which outlines ACU's privacy policy, terms and conditions, and marketing intent.