About the Session

Many of us believe the decisions we make at work are objective and rational, however research from various leading institutions suggests that our everyday decisions may be strongly influenced by our biases. Some of our biases may be conscious but many often operate subconsciously and are outside the logical, objective processes upon which some decisions are made.

By addressing our unconscious biases and improving the objectivity of our decisions we can impact on the quality of those decisions to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

The program will develop participants' capability in identifying how we form biases and how our biases affect decision making. It will explore how our attitudes and behaviours towards other people and processes can be influenced as much by our instinctive feelings as by our rational thinking. The program will provide practical guidelines to help reduce the effect of our biases on key processes and decision making enabling leaders to reduce the risk of implicit assumptions.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Appreciate the nature of bias
  • Understand common biases and how they impact decisions
  • Appreciate how gender stereotyping influences workplace decisions
  • Learn how to apply a framework to help mitigate bias in decision making
  • Understand some of the practical steps that can be taken to reduce bias in decision making.

Who is this session for?

Leaders and Supervisors


External Provider -Enmasse


18 June 2025


1:30pm to 3:30pm

Delivery Mode

Virtual via Webinar

These workshops are available to all staff. They are not mandatory for casual staff.

Casual staff must obtain prior approval from their supervisor or manager to attend the training. For casual Academic staff such approval is required from the National Head of School or nominated supervisor (consistent with point 23. of the Employment of Sessional Academic Staff Policy)

The Faculty or Unit is responsible for paying the casual staff member for the time while they attend any non-mandatory professional development.

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