27 March 2025

With Term 1 nearing completion and Semester 1 well underway, I'd like to encourage staff to continue to engage with the latest information and resources developed by the Directorates. These tools and opportunities are designed to support your teaching, streamline administrative processes, and ultimately enhance the student learning experience. They are also a great opportunity to connect with colleagues, explore innovative approaches to teaching across different delivery modes, and engage in valuable learning experiences.

If CEI can offer support or guidance on a particular topic or by offering more professional development opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact CEI@acu.edu.au.

Professor Anthony Whitty
Director, CEI

Turnitin AI Indicator Tool

Effective from 17 March, ACU has switched off the Turnitin Artificial Intelligence (AI) Indicator tool. However, you are still able to submit referrals to SAMMS if you suspect a student has engaged in Unauthorised or Undisclosed Use of Artificial Intelligence. There are a variety of alternate indicators you might consider including with your referral to support an investigation by the Academic Integrity Team, including:

  • Short document editing time
  • Insufficient (or the absence of) in-text citations
  • Fabricated references or quotes
  • Not quite answering the question
  • Higher standard of expression than usual for the student
  • Absence of requisite information (e.g., a particular source, or reference to an in-class discussion)

When referring cases, try to include as much information as possible - particularly in relation to the discipline-specific content. What might be an obvious omission or anomaly to you might not be as obvious to the Academic Integrity Officer assigned to review the case.

Important: The Turnitin Similarity Report is not impacted by this decision; these reports will still be available to staff and students.

Please access the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Checklist and the Best Practice: Supporting Evidence resources and contact academic.integrity@acu.edu.au if you have any questions or concerns.

Student Advocacy Service

The Student Advocacy is an essential service within our campus community, providing guidance and assistance to students navigating various university policies, procedures and regulations. Our goal is to empower students to advocate for themselves while fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

We are here to help students with a range of concerns, including appeals, unsatisfactory academic progress, or complaints. We listen, provide clear guidance, and inform students of their available options. Our service covers a variety of areas, including:

  • Student Appeals
  • Concerns about academic results
  • Academic misconduct allegations
  • At-Risk notification
  • Responding to a Show Cause Notice
  • Termination of Enrolment
  • Re-credit Application
  • Student Complaints and Feedback
  • Support person for a university meeting

Please encourage students needing any assistance in these areas to visit Student Advocacy or contact us on: advocacy.service@acu.edu.au.

Graduate Certificate in Higher Education

The Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (GCHE) is designed to elevate your career in higher education and foster a culture of excellence in learning and teaching at ACU. The purpose of the course is to help you to develop a theoretical and scholarly basis to inform the professional development of your academic practice and to improve our students' learning experience.

This is a fully online, work-integrated course which provides practical learning experiences tailored to your role, helping you:

  • Build a strong theoretical foundation for reflective teaching practice
  • Design curriculum and assessment aligned with adult learning principles
  • Develop and implement course and unit evaluation and improvement plans
  • Integrate digital technology into your learning, teaching and assessment strategy using educational theory
  • Complete a high-quality scholarly project in higher education

Teaching and research academics, sessional staff, and professional staff who have a role leading teaching and learning or contributing to learning and teaching at either the School or Faculty level are eligible to have their fees waived. Contact Dr Joe Campana to discuss your eligibility.

To commence in April 2025, complete your enrolment by 14 April. The final enrolment deadline is 20 April. New students will begin with UNMC510 - Foundations for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

Read more about the program and access the Course Guide at Graduate Certificate in Higher Education.

New Academic Skills online resources

The Academic Skills Unit has developed several new online resources that are available through the Academic Skills Canvas page:

Maths in your course: This new resource guides students to relevant maths materials tailored to their specific discipline.

Annotated bibliography: Developed in collaboration with the Library, this comprehensive module breaks down the purpose, components and includes a sample paragraph for creating an annotated bibliography.

Teaching staff are encouraged to direct students to Academic Skills resources and workshops to support their learning.

HELTA: Upcoming Activities

Campus Communities of Learning Advancement

Campus Communities of Learning Advancement (CCoLA) foster collaborative workplace learning by bringing staff together to share ideas, confront challenges, and develop solutions.

It's an opportunity to connect and innovate with colleagues across disciplines to enhance the student learning experience and explore best practices.

The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, 2 April at 12:00pm (local time). Light refreshments will be provided.

Register your attendance →

Teaching Development Grants
Applications for the 2025 Teaching Development Grants (TDGs) open on 22 April.

If you are interested in learning about the application process, register for the upcoming online information session at 2pm on Wednesday 16 April.

Awards and Citations
ACU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, and the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Postgraduate Teaching open on 12 May.

To learn more, register for the online information session at 10am on Wednesday 7 May.

Note: Both information sessions will be recorded.

Essential Skills for First-Year International Students

Have you identified some common challenges first-year international students face as they transition to life in Australia and at ACU? Our academic environment can be uniquely demanding for students who are studying in a new country, culture, and language.

The Transition Program consists of weekly sessions, held each Wednesday from 1-2pm, designed to help first-year students adjust to study and university life with ease.

How can the transition program help?
This program was created to address the most common challenges ACU academic staff have identified for commencing international students. Each week attendees will receive practical insights and learn new skills to maximise their success. Light refreshments will also be provided.

What topics will be covered in the coming weeks?
Week 5, Wednesday 2nd April: researching and referencing
Week 6, Wednesday 9th April: earn while you learn
Week 7, Wednesday 16th April: group work and collaboration
Week 8, Wednesday 30th April: exam preparation strategies

Students can sign up via UniHub but drop-ins are also welcome. If you would like more information about the Transition Sessions, or a PowerPoint slide promoting the program you can add to presentations for classes, contact Transition Program Manager, Heather Webber.

Advance HE Fellowships

The ACU Advance HE Fellowship program provides staff with formal, global recognition of their expertise in university teaching, learning and student experience. The program is open to all staff, including casual staff.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) Professor Tania Broadley and CEI are delighted to congratulate the following staff members on achieving an Advance HE Fellowship as part of the 2024/2025 ACU Fellowship program.

Fellowship Senior Fellowship
Ms Shari Maver
Dr Juan Diaz-Granados
Dr Franki Tse
Dr Murooj Yousef
Dr Rhonda Siu
Dr Bill Swannie
Ms Ashleigh Finn
Mr Alastair Tomkins

A/Prof Chrissy Monteleone
A/Prof Trajce Cvetkovski
Dr Vikki Pollard
A/Prof Melanie Barlow
Dr Susan Brooman-Jones
A/Prof Monica Wong
Dr Adam Arian

Interested in joining the program? Find out more via ACU Advance HE Fellowship program.

Unit Changes

CEI would like to remind faculty staff that the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure states that all unit changes (both 'minor' and 'major' in nature), must 'include evidence of consultation with the Centre for Education and Innovation' (clause 19a). The appropriate area to consult around unit changes is the Academic Development Team.

For all changes please contact Georgia Clarkson, Academic Lead, Quality Enhancement.

Academic Developers are available to support staff with unit changes, including those around assessment and learning and teaching strategy. As unit changes ultimately impact at a program level, input from an Academic Developer is a critical element in maintaining the overall balance of a program. With the implementation of the '2 lane approach' to assessment, this is becoming increasingly important as unit level changes have the potential to impact on overall program security.

Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching) - Contact Details

Assoc Professor Jennifer Carpenter Associate Dean Learning Teaching and Governance, Faculty of Education and Arts
Dr Ian Elmer Acting Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy
Assoc Professor Stephen Guinea Associate Dean, Learning, Teaching and Professional Experience, Faculty of Health Sciences
Assoc Professor Bhavani Sridharan Associate Dean (Learning Teaching and Accreditation), Faculty of Law and Business

Previous editions of Learning & Teaching Matters

Page last updated on 27/03/2025

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