
  • ACU key projects and initiatives to improve teaching and learning practices at ACU in 2024.
  • A summary of polices that are in review.
  • Understanding the departments within the Student Administration directorate and their role in supporting Course Coordinators.

On this page

ACU Key Projects & Initiatives Policy reviews Student Administration services

If you were unable to attend the workshops, you can watch Workshop Session 1 or Workshop Session 2 at a time that suits you.

ACU Key Projects & Initiatives


The Academic Timeline is designed to improve co-operation and information sharing across the University to enable the delivery of high-quality student learning experiences. The Academic Timeline Dashboard presents an overview of university tasks, processes and interactions between Directorates and Faculties, to increase collaboration, promote communication and efficiencies.

The Academic Timeline highlights Focus Zones which are peak periods within a teaching academic's annual calendar, requiring their complete attention and time to focus on preparing and delivering learning & teaching activities and supporting the student experience. Requests outside of interactions published in the Academic Timeline should be avoided and prioritised for a different time.

For more information and to download the Focus Zones to your Outlook Calendar, visit Academic Timeline.

The Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) will be rolled out across ACU in Semester 1. If you need assistance configuring your Canvas course, enrolling a staff member, requesting access to archived LEO content or support for other Canvas technical issues, please submit a Service Central request.

Visit Canvas Training & Support Resources to access training modules, tutorial and skills videos, and support guides. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at Canvas FAQs.

From Semester 1, ACU has removed the requirement for an Extended Unit Outline (EUO). The expectation is that information previously found in an EUO will be present in a relevant area of the Canvas site. The Generic Unit Outline is automatically presented to students and staff in Canvas. Access the guide, ‘Presenting curriculum information to students in Canvas’ to aid you in the transition to the new model.

ACU Thrive is a first-year success model designed to ensure first-year students experience a smooth transition into university. There will be 44 Thrive units delivered in Semester 1, covering approximately 90% of commencing undergraduate students. The transition to ACU Thrive is progressing smoothly, with academics and learning designers delivering outstanding work. 

ACU Thrive also aims to maximise the campus experience through student mentoring. Led by final year students, these mentoring sessions provide crucial support to first-year students, covering essential topics such as academic study skills and campus resources. Coordinated by Connect2Uni and the Orientation teams, these on-campus sessions will span six weeks, fostering a supportive environment for students during their initial university journey. 

ACU Online is currently undergoing a comprehensive review following last year's external evaluation, which included extensive consultations with staff to gather feedback. Detailed reports have since been generated, highlighting commendations and recommendations. CEI is formulating a formal managerial response to this review, set for presentation to senior executives.

The main focus is on refining the University's online presence and making decisions regarding unit scheduling. Additionally, efforts are underway to address concerns such as providing editing access to lecturers for online units, while maintaining a consistent student experience across online units.

Contact CEI@acu.edu.au if you have any questions about the projects or initiatives listed here.


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Policy Reviews

Academic Regulations, Section 6 Clause 34

Clause 34 of the Academic Regulations underwent four significant changes:
1. The process now involves only the LIC and the Course Coordinator, removing the involvement of the Head of School.
2. The regulation now encompasses all students, irrespective of their mode of study (online, on-campus, multimode), and applies to all study periods.
3. LICs and Course Coordinators will receive improved support and streamlined data access.
4. Data from Canvas and Banner will identify student concerns, with Course Coordinators making withdrawal decisions based on this data.

Academic Regulations

Assessment Policy and Procedure

The key Assessment Policy and Procedure updates implemented in Semester 2, 2023 included:

  • Increased flexibility for number of assessments during unit design (Assessment Procedure 5.2e)
  • Recognition of the importance of vertical and horizontal integration of assessment throughout a course
  • Clarification around communication with students with respect to marks and grades (Assessment Procedure 8.2b).
  • Assessment Policy

    Course and Student Monitoring Policy and Procedure

    The Course and Student Monitoring Policy and Procedure will be implemented in early July 2024. CEI will oversee the transition, replacing Course Implementation Committees with Course Monitoring Committees (CMCs). This applies to all non-award and award coursework programs, excluding research programs. The procedure aims for systematic program review using data against benchmarks, involving academics for discussion and accurate reporting. View the project priorities and milestones

    Course and Student Monitoring Policy
    If you need support with locating or understanding ACU Policies and Procedures to apply in your role as a Course Coordinator, please do not hesitate to contact CEI@acu.edu.au. Alternatively, please follow your usual reporting process to line management for assistance in implementing new changes to policy.

    Student Administration services

    The Student Administration Directorate provides the University with high quality student administrative and policy services. The Course Coordinators Manual supplies key information, dates and policy links relating to the student life cycle from Admissions and Enrolment to Examinations and Course Completion.

    Admissions is comprised of two teams: TAC Admissions and Direct Admissions. Most postgraduate courses have direct applications. As a result, Course Coordinators will be contacted by Direct Admissions more often than TAC Admissions. Direct Admissions assess eligibility for most applications without needing to consult Course Coordinators. However, for some courses with detailed eligibility criteria or with applicants who have studied over 10 years ago, Admissions will contact Course Coordinators for consultation.

    Access the manual

    AskACU provides frontline service to current and prospective students (and staff who support them) via phone, email, SMS, live chat and face-to-face for all student administration enquiries. Visit AskACU for contact details and to search frequently asked questions. 

    The Course Completion team process course completion assessments and undertake quality checks prior to notifying the student and informing the Graduations team of the outcome. Course Coordinators submit course completion assessments via the Online Course Completion and Assessment tool (OCCA). The Course Completion team host OCCA training sessions prior to each conferral period. 

    Explore the course completion and graduation section in the Course Coordinators Manual for specific information.

    Access the manual

    The online Credit Management System creates a precedent database for approved units which enables suitable future credit applications from the same unit to be assessed automatically without consultation with the Course Coordinator. The Credit team deliver monthly training for new users and resources, manuals and regular updates on Teams. Course Coordinators will be invited to the Teams site once access is granted to the Credit Management System.

    You can request to join the ⁠Credit Teams site if you are yet to be added. 

    Request access to Teams site

    The Enrolments team are hosting virtual enrolment information sessions in early March. Follow the links below to register for your preferred session:

    To submit enrolment requests on behalf a student, Course Coordinators can submit a request via Service Central. Please visit the Enrolment section in the Course Coordinators Manual for specific information regarding Enrolment processes and procedures.

    Access the manual

    Please visit Results and Examination Information for staff to view key results release and examination and dates, learn how to use ACU's Examination Management System and to read FAQs and policies relating to exams and assessment. Access the presentation delivered during the workshops for further information: 

    Exams and Results Presentation

    The Timetabling team and Timetable Liaison Officers (TLOs) assist Course Coordinators with timetabling and Allocate+ issue escalations. If you have a complex timetabling query or concern, please email timetabling@acu.edu.au or contact Adin Beresford directly. If you require Timetabling Process training, please book a session online.

    Page last updated on 22/02/2024

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