About the Session

Institutions stand to gain a lot when they embed trust at their core. As well as being morally important, it’s an organisational enabler of high performance. Research by Paul Zak found that high trust companies gain 76 per cent more engagement from their employees, 40 percent less burnout and 50 percent more productivity.

Lack of trust can cause the flip side, including disengagement, conflict, creation of silos, low productivity and increased turnover.

Enabling leaders to build trust is a key capability that will enhance teamwork, collaboration and underpins a transparent and open culture.

Learning Outcomes:

  • an understanding of the neuroscience of trust including the effect of oxytocin and dopamine
  • an understanding of the critical components of trust
  • identify key drivers of trust and how that will play out in their team
  • appreciate the subtle factors that contribute to low levels of trust including micro-aggressions
  • identify the role of psychological safety as a key enabler of trust
  • learn practical tips for building high trust teams.

Who is this session for?

Leaders and Supervisors


External Provider - Enmasse


Thursday 27 March 2025

Time - please note daylight saving

10:30am to 12:30pm (NSW/VIC/ACT)
9:30am to 11:30am (QLD)

Delivery Mode

Virtual via Webinar

These workshops are available to all staff. They are not mandatory for casual staff.

Casual staff must obtain prior approval from their supervisor or manager to attend the training.  For casual Academic staff such approval is required from the National Head of School or nominated supervisor (consistent with point 23. of the Employment of Sessional Academic Staff Policy)

The Faculty or Unit is responsible for paying the casual staff member for the time while they attend any non-mandatory professional development.

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