Dr Roger Lord appointed to TGA panel



Dr Roger Lord of the School of Science, ACU Faculty of Health Sciences, has been appointed to two advisory panels of The Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA).

The TGA is part of the Federal Department of Health and is responsible for regulating the supply, import, export, manufacturing and advertising of therapeutic goods in Australia. The TGA has 10 statutory advisory committees from which it can obtain independent expert advice on specific scientific and technical matters to aid the TGA’s regulatory decision making process.

Dr Lord has been appointed to the TGA’s Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medicines (ACSOM) and the Therapeutic Goods Committee (TGC). ACSOM advises and makes recommendations to the TGA on the safety of medicines and provides guidance for risk assessment and management of medicines. ACSOM may also provide advice to the TGA on matters related to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects (known as pharmacovigilance). Dr Lord’s appointment has been made in relation to his expertise in organ and tissue transplantation as well as infectious diseases.

Dr Lord has also been appointed to the Therapeutic Goods Committee (TGC). The TGC makes recommendations to the TGA and Minister for Health on the adoption of standards for therapeutic goods including requirements for labelling, packaging and manufacture of pharmaceuticals. The TGC also provides advice on standards for medical devices, biologicals and conformity to these standards.

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