Amendment to the title of Vice-Chancellor

Photo of ACU Chancellor The Hon John Fahey

Message from the Chancellor: Due to the University’s extended international operations, it has become necessary to review the use of the terminology ‘Vice-Chancellor’. A benchmarking exercise was undertaken to assess the terms used for Vice-Chancellor in Australia and universities internationally. For the purpose of this exercise, a wide range of universities were researched including the Group of Eight (Go8) and regional universities in Australia. Internationally, we have reviewed our partner universities and other Catholic universities.

As a result of this benchmarking exercise and following consultation with Archbishop Denis Hart DD, Archbishop of Melbourne and President of Company; Senate and Company have approved the recommendation that the term 'Vice-Chancellor and President' be adopted. This title change has also necessitated a change in the current title of 'President' (of the Company) to 'President of Corporation' and relevant references to 'Company' in the Constitution have been substituted with the term 'Corporation' to ensure alignment.

In summary there were three recommendations endorsed by Senate on 15 June 2016 and subsequently approved by Company:

  1. The title 'Vice-Chancellor' has changed to 'Vice-Chancellor and President'.
  2. The title 'President' has changed to 'President of Corporation'.
  3. The term 'Company' has changed to 'Corporation' in lieu of 'Company' in order to align with the terminology 'President of Corporation'.

An implementation group consisting of members from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President, Human Resources, Governance and Information Technology has been established to address the functional aspects of these name changes. The implementation plan has been circulated to relevant parties for input and implementation commenced from 8 August 2016.

If there are any areas that the implementation group should consider as a part of this project please contact Rebecca Truong, Administration Officer, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President

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