Nominations for Honorary Degrees

In accordance with Clause 2 of the Regulations in relation to the award of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University, Members of the Company, Senate and the Professoriate of Australian Catholic University have been invited to bring forward nominations of qualified persons for consideration by Senate for award in 2017.

Statute 6.2 and its accompanying Regulations, state that those nominated for the award of an Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University must be a person:

  • who has given eminent service to the University by having a significant connection or by making a benefaction to the University; and/or
  • of academic eminence; and/or
  • demonstrating distinguished creative achievement; and/or
  • who has provided an outstanding contribution beyond the expectations of the person’s particular field of endeavor which has influenced the thinking or general wellbeing of the wider community.

Should anyone feel there is a person(s) of outstanding qualities consistent with the provisions of the Statute and Regulations, they may wish to discuss the matter with a Member of the Company, Senate or the Professoriate.  Members of the University community are advised that nominations need to be submitted by or before Monday 1 August to

It is essential there be no contact of any kind, either direct or indirect, with persons under consideration for an award.

Please note nominations made by a member of the Professoriate must be co-signed by either a Member of the Company or a member of Senate.

A list of members of Senate is available at:

A list of Company members is available at:

For information, the process for awarding honorary degrees occurs over a considerable period of time. The Honorary Awards Committee will meet in August 2016 and recommends awards to Senate in October 2016. Successful nominees are then invited to accept the awards and, due to the confidential nature of the awards, an announcement is made only after all nominees have formally accepted, which may be some months later.  I appreciate your patience with this lengthy process and your understanding of the confidential nature of the awards.

Below are links to the regulations and additional information regarding the nomination procedure.  If you require any further information please contact

Nomination Form for the Award of Honorary Degree of the University

Regulations for the Award of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University

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