Measuring service delivery: Introducing service standards at ACU

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A message from Chief Operating Officer Dr Stephen Weller:

I’m often asked how we will know when we have achieved service excellence at ACU. How do we define it and does the definition change over time? How do we measure and report on service excellence in a university?

Defining service standards is an important step in achieving our service excellence goal. A service standard is a transparent and specific commitment to a measurable level of service that recipients can expect during day-to-day operations.

This year, all directorates in the Corporate Services portfolio have undertaken a process of developing service standards in consultation with their stakeholders to enhance the measurement of service performance at ACU. These standards align with the Service Matters Framework and will clarify expectations relating to key services specified in the Service Catalogue and facilitate more consistent, transparent and accountable service delivery.

In the first step of a phased approach to releasing service standards to the ACU community, Human Resources and Properties & Facilities Management will pilot several standards in the first quarter of 2017. During the pilot, you are encouraged to provide constructive feedback on the standards and your experiences of the services outlined in the standards.

The Human Resources service standards relate to core areas that affect the daily work of staff and supervisors at ACU. They provide precise time-frames in relation to HR advice, payroll services, professional staff position classification and recruitment services.

The Properties & Facilities Management service standards also focus on core areas that are central to the student and staff experience at ACU.

They provide clear and specific statements about cleaning services, vehicle maintenance, meeting room support, service requests and first aid supplies.

Service Standards for other Corporate Services will be released throughout 2017.

I encourage all staff to become familiar with these standards and provide feedback on them - now, and especially during the pilot at the start of next year. Please send your feedback to


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