Strategic Partnerships Directorate

Photo of ACU Provost Professor Pauline Nugent.

A message from the Provost Professor Pauline Nugent:

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share with you some recent highlights from my Portfolio:

Strategic Partnerships Directorate

Over the past few months the Directorate, led by Tom Ristoski has finalised the overall Framework and Governance model for how we will strengthen our relationships with identified strategic partners. This is a significant piece of work and one that received strong support from ACU’s Senate following Tom Ristoski’s presentation.

The Directorate is in the process of rolling this out to staff, along with training sessions on how to use the new Strategic Partnerships Information Repository (SPIR). Workshops are planned for November and December which I encourage you to attend.

Some key highlights from the Directorate include:

Catholic Health Australia

  • Signing of Statement of Strategic Intent between CHA and ACU
  • Placement of Dr David Kirchhoffer onto CHA Ethics Board
  • Development of Allied Health Student Placement Program at CHA (Canberra)
  • Ongoing research discussions between CHA and Faculty of Health Sciences.

Photo of Mr Tony Howarth AO, Chair, Catholic Health Australia, Professor Pauline Nugent, Provost Australian Catholic University, Ms Suzanne Greenwood, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Health Australia

[L-R: Mr Tony Howarth AO, Chair, Catholic Health Australia, Professor Pauline Nugent, Provost Australian Catholic University, Ms Suzanne Greenwood, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Health Australia].

Schools Partnership Framework

The Schools Partnership Framework aims to create a model for how we take an ACU-wide approach to all our partner schools. The initial model will be piloted with 30 HEPPP Schools over the coming months.

Brisbane Catholic Education

Initial meeting to form a strategic partnership with Brisbane Catholic Education has taken place with representatives of all Faculties and key Directorates. Over the coming months the Directorate, along with key Relationship Leads, will be meeting with each Strategic Partner to begin identifying areas of strategic priority for each Partner.

The initial meeting with Brisbane Catholic Education occurred at the end of October and included representatives of all Faculties and key Directorates.
The aim of these meetings is to identify how ACU could align and improve our offers to better meet their needs.

ACU profile raising groups:

Global Foundation

  • Rome Roundtable (January 2017) under planning; the aim is to create a high-level global dialogue amongst diverse global participants
  • In August we hosted a luncheon by outgoing Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens on Global Governance at Tenison Woods House. This is the first of a number of events to be co-hosted by ACU and the Global Foundation; the Foundation creates a space in which business, academic and community leaders can bring together their expertise and experience to discuss and advance issues facing Australia and also the world.

Photo of Mr Steve Howard, Secretary General, Global Foundation, Mr Glenn Stevens, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia, Mr Jock Murray, Chairman, Global Foundation, Professor Greg Craven, Vice-Chancellor & President, Australian Catholic University
[L-R:  Mr Steve Howard, Secretary General, Global Foundation, Mr Glenn Stevens, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia, Mr Jock Murray, Chairman, Global Foundation, Professor Greg Craven, Vice-Chancellor & President, Australian Catholic University ]


Began discussion with CEDA to provide ACU content bloggers on range of contemporary topics

B/HERT: (Business/Higher Education Round Table)

Discussions begun on potential industry linkages and research within Faculty of Health Sciences.

It is pleasing to see the work of this Directorate take shape. ACU values our partnerships and sees mutually beneficial relationships that further Catholic values as central to our mandate.

Professor Pauline Nugent

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