ACU's Enrolment Plan 2017 - 2022

Photo of ACU Provost Professor Pauline Nugent

A message from the Provost Professor Pauline Nugent:

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to advise that ACU’s Enrolment Plan 2017-2022 has been finalised following consultation with the Senior Executive Group.

A cross-section of ACU staff including faculties, my office, the International Directorate, Associate Vice-Chancellors/Campus Deans, ACUcom, OPSM, Students, Learning & Teaching, Student Administration, MER and the Infrastructure Directorate were involved in the development of the Plan, guided by the Enrolment Planning Policy.

The new Plan embeds growth each year of the plan, albeit at a more subdued rate compared with previous years, and takes ACU to over 30,000 EFTSL by 2022. The Plan has been built by the faculties to spread load between disciplines, funding sources and campuses. Faculties have planned load according to past enrolment trends, international data, postgraduate targets, competitor analysis, employment trends, advice from discipline-based Advisory Boards and ACU strategic priorities.

ACU’s enrolment success in previous years has secured a strong pipeline of continuing students in this current plan and commencing load will be assisted as in previous years with a strong strategic Mid-Year Enrolment Strategy.

This year there is a focus on increasing the alignment of ACUcom’s enrolments to match the pipeline needs of ACU’s Faculties, so work has begun relating to this.

My thanks to all the staff who worked to develop and finalise our plan.

Kind regards,

Professor Pauline Nugent


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