Learn about the Capability Development Framework

Photo of people sitting around table in meeting

Register now for an information session to learn about the new Capability Development Framework (CDF) and how it applies to you in your role. The CDF is for all staff across ACU and will help you to gain clarity on your role and to plan your professional development. Extra information sessions have been added for North Sydney.

The ACU Capability Development Framework (CDF) is a whole-of-organisation approach to developing and strengthening the capabilities needed to achieve our strategy and support our Mission and is part of the ongoing investment in the professional development of our staff.

The CDF describes ten core competencies that are needed in our staff in every area of the University and explains the different expectations for each level of staff, management, executive leadership and senior executive leadership.

Learn how the CDF will be used and how the competencies apply to your role by registering for an upcoming information session. The information sessions will be delivered in two parts.

All staff are required to attend part one (1 hour and 15 minutes duration) which will give an overview of the CDF. Managers/supervisors are required to attend part one as well as part two (additional 45 minutes duration) which will cover extra information for supervisors.

Register now for a session on your campus - sessions will be held from September through to early November. For more details visit the CDF website.

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