Changes to exam period

Photo of student taking exam.

A number of changes have been made to the ACU examination period due to the introduction of centrally run supplementary examinations.

The Examinations Unit will be running central supplementary examinations for the first time this year, following the changeover to the new Supplementary Assessment Policy.

Based on Faculty and School feedback the Academic Administration Committee recommended the implementation of centrally run supplementary examinations and has amended the academic calendar to support this. Academic Board accepted this recommendation at the November 2016 meeting.

Changes to the exam period include:

  • The examination period will now be two weeks in duration, rather than three weeks
  • Three examinations sessions will be held each day, rather than two
  • In consultation with Schools some exams will be scheduled on Saturdays
  • The results release date will be brought forward a week

Centrally run Supplementary Exams will be an opt in option for Lecturers in Charge and will be on a unit by unit basis.

These changes take effect from the Semester 1, 2017 examinations.

If you would like further information about the changes to the exam period or introduction of central supplementary examinations please contact the National Manager; Timetabling, Examinations & Results Nik Linnell: or 07 3861 6124

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