Register now for Leadership and Accountability of the Supervisor Program

Photo of a group of colleagues sitting around a table looking at and discussing documents.

ACU has partnered with the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) to develop a Leadership & Accountability of the Supervisor Program tailored to ACU’s operational context.

The program will support you to respond confidently to changes in the sector, understand the organisation of ACU and make sound decisions based on robust evaluation of business needs.

This program is for all Supervisors and Managers across the organisation. Attendance at all modules is a requirement for successful completion of the Program.Upon completion of the program, participants can opt to undertake an assessment for the Foundations of Directorship Certificate with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

ACU Research Ethics Manager Susanna Gorman embarked on the program last year and says she found the first two modules very affirming, and this has prompted her to consider undertaking a Company Directors course in the future.

“The program was led by a very skilled presenter and I appreciated the investment ACU was making in myself and my colleagues to equip us to recognise and deal with the practical, ethical, moral and legal dilemmas that can arise in the work environment," Susanna said.

"I appreciated the way the material was adapted to ACU and I’m glad I made the time to do the course pre-reading, as it was immensely valuable to have the opportunity to engage with these issues while being able to step away from the press of everyday work during the workshop.”

Program outline

Module 1: Understanding the Organisation – March 2017

Supervisors and managers require knowledge of ACU structures, processes and practices which govern business operations in order to support workplace performance and effective decision making. Participants will gain a broad understanding of the business and operating environment which informs ACU governance structures, current business practices, and how this informs individual roles and responsibilities to effectively apply to day-to-day and strategic decision making.

Module 1 location & dates:
North Sydney – 8 March 2017 – 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 9 March 2017 – 9am till 5pm

Module 2: Governance

With a fundamental understanding of the organisation, supervisors and managers require knowledge and understanding of laws and regulations and its relationship with ACU internal control mechanisms and committees to support workplace performance, quality and effective decision making.

Participants will gain a broad understanding of the various laws, regulations, internal control mechanisms and committees and the association to workplace matters and issues. Participants will be able to identify with particular responsibilities which inform their role and the ability to apply the new knowledge and understanding to resolve individual workplace matters, business practices and decision making.

Module 2 location & dates:
North Sydney – 21 March 2017 – 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 23 March 2017 – 9am till 5pm

Module 3: Financial Management

Business acumen plays an important role in the sustainable organisation. Supervisors and managers require an understanding of financial and business planning principles to inform day-to-day and strategic decision making which delivers positive outcomes for the University.Participants will gain basic to a more advanced knowledge of financial management and business planning principles to inform financial and business decisions which deliver positive returns. Participants will apply this knowledge to analyse and evaluate day-to-day and strategic business activities through more informed decision making and increased rigour when developing business cases or proposals.

Module 3 location & dates:
North Sydney – 27 March 2017 – 9am till 5pm
North Sydney – 28 March 2017– 9am till 5pm
North Sydney – 29 March 2017– 9am till 5pm
North Sydney – 30 March 2017 – 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 03 April 2017– 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 04 April 2017– 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 05 April 2017– 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 06 April 2017– 9am till 5pm
Brisbane – 11 April 2017– 9am till 5pm
Brisbane – 12 April 2017– 9am till 5pm
Canberra – 19 April 2017– 9am till 5pm

Module 4: Strategy and Risk – July 2017

With a fundamental understanding of the ACU operating environment with its association to various laws, regulations, internal control mechanisms and committees, supervisors and managers with this new knowledge and understanding of individual responsibility and accountability require the knowledge and understanding of identifying and managing risk.

Participants will gain an understanding of risk, the relationship between knowing individual accountability and decision making and the effective identification and management of risk. Participants will demonstrate a methodological approach to risk mitigation.

Module 4 location & dates:
North Sydney – 4 July 2017 – 9am till 5pm
North Sydney – 5 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
North Sydney – 6 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
North Sydney – 7 July 2017 – 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 11 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 12 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 13 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
Melbourne – 14 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
Brisbane – 19 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
Brisbane – 20 July 2017– 9am till 5pm
Canberra – 25 July 2017– 9am till 5pm

Register today

Please register via Staff Connect. For more information please contact Capabilities and Development on 02 9739 2158 or

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