Web Room Booker – Signage and Wayfinding Project

 	Closeup photo of hands using open laptop.

The University has commenced implementation of the Signage and Wayfinding project which includes a standardisation of building and room numbers.

One change which will affect you directly is the new numbering of rooms and buildings in Web Room Booker. Improvements to the labelling of a room’s function will now make it easier for you to find a room which suits your needs.  For example, a teaching room with PCs in it is no longer called “Specialised Learning Space”; it is called “Computer Lab”.

If you made a booking in Web Room Booker prior to 24 Jan 2017 for this year you will receive a new confirmation email which includes the updated naming convention for your room.

We encourage you to review the new campus maps provided on the Room Bookings website, found under the Locations and Venue Names drop down menu.

The following guide will assist you in successfully booking the correct room.

1.    How to identify a campus

Each campus has a specific number which is also reflected in the building numbers.  For example, building 203 will be found on the Brisbane campus.

1Ballarat – Aquinas
2Brisbane – McAuley at Banyo
3Canberra – Signadou
4Melbourne – St Patrick’s
5North Sydney – MacKillop
6Strathfield – Mount St Mary

2.    How to identify a room

In Web Room Booker each room is made up of three numbers.

  Graphic explaining how to understand new room numbers.

3.    Transition

As part of the transition period the old room names are displayed in the ‘Rules’ column when you are at the room selection step. You can still view the room by clicking on the ‘Name’ link. This will take you to ACUSIS where your usual ACU staff credentials will allow you to view more details about your selected room.

 Graphic explaining how to find further details about room numbers.

If you have any questions please direct them to the Room Bookings team via room.bookings@acu.edu.au

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