Updated recruitment and PRP documents

Image of three person interview panel.

ACU introduced two new frameworks in 2016 which support the professional development of all staff and build the University’s organisational capability.  Consequently, a number of documents associated with people management practices have been revised to incorporate the Capability Development Framework (CDF), which affects all staff, and the Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence Framework (APME) which affects academic staff.

Integration into people management practices is phased, and changes to the processes below and related documents came into effect on 1 January 2017:

  • Recruitment and selection processes for all staff: including Position Classification Requests and Position Descriptions
  • Probation processes for all staff
  • Performance Review and Planning process for Professional Staff, and for Senior Staff: Changes that incorporate the CDF affect the Objective Setting and Planning part of the PRP process.

What does this mean for me?

The revised policies and the updated documents for each of these processes should now be used, and these are available on the ACU website.  Please see the links above and refer to the New and Revised Policies announcement for a list of links to updated policies.

In most cases, the document changes needed to incorporate the frameworks were minor.  In the case of the Position Classification Request for Professional Staff Form, and the Position Description for Academic Staff, these documents look different as they needed to be reformatted in order to effectively incorporate references to the CDF.  Hiring managers need to use these new documents for recruitment processes they are now undertaking, and can contact Recruitment Services if they need any guidance on the new documents.

Academic PRP will include the CDF from July

Please note that documents for the Performance Review and Planning process for Academic Staff will also be updated to incorporate the CDF Capability Development Framework from the second half of the year.  Changes that affect the Objective Setting and Planning part of the Academic PRP process will come into effect on 1 July 2017.

Staff are encouraged to visit the CDF website and APME website to familiarise themselves with the new frameworks.  For more information contact the HR Advisory Service on ext 4222.

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