40 items for 40 days

Image of Lent signs clipped to collection bags.

Here’s a challenge for ACU staff! Can you spare 40 items of clothing or other items in your home in order for someone in greater need to benefit from them?

The season of Lent began yesterday with the celebration of Ash Wednesday.

Lent is one of the most important seasons observed by Christians. It is a period of time between Ash Wednesday and Easter and is geared towards prayer, giving to those in need and fasting.

ACU staff are encouraged to get involved in the ‘40 items for 40 days’ challenge to support those who are assisted by the St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies).

The challenge is, for every day during the season of Lent, to pick one item of clothing or another object in your home that you no longer need and put it into a plastic bag.

When Easter comes you will have a bag full of items you can drop into your local Vinnies store or clothing bin. This will allow people who need assistance to benefit from your season of renewal.The bags are available from Campus Ministry on your Campus.

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