myVoice survey drives changes

Photo of Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Dean Professor Michelle Campbell presenting the 2016 Professional Staff Award to Theresia Kremer.

Executive Dean Professor Michelle Campbell presenting the 2016 Professional Staff Award to Theresia Kremer.

The 2017 myVoice staff engagement survey is coming!  The survey will be open between 27 March and 7 April 2017 and will ask for your feedback on ACU as a place to work, and on a range of management practices.

The feedback you give through the myVoice survey helps inform future changes and improvements at ACU.  The myVoice survey has been held every few years since 2009, and measures how ACU is progressing over time.  The results also allow ACU to benchmark against other Universities, and against industry more broadly.

The stories below highlight how the University has listened to staff feedback and taken action with initiatives to improve ACU as a place to work, and to support strategic objectives.

Communication and collaboration

ACU Chief Operating Officer Stephen Weller says feedback from the last myVoice survey has been invaluable in identifying strengths as well as areas for improvement within the University.  “I encourage all staff at ACU to have their say in the 2017 myVoice survey to ensure that their views, and the views of their areas, are represented in the results and to contribute to informing improvements at ACU,” Dr Weller says. Read more >>

Career opportunities

Read about programs and resources that have been rolled out to assist professional staff and academic staff with career planning. “I would highly recommend other staff attend an info session to learn about the new career planning resources.  It gives you a different view,” staff member Marta Balnaves says. Read more >>


See what initiatives the Faculty of Health Sciences has implemented to improve leadership, wellbeing and communication across the Faculty. “The myVoice survey is an important channel for gauging how we are tracking over time and to look at what we want to improve for the future. Sharing your views helps us achieve excellence,” says Executive Dean Professor Michelle Campbell. Read more >>

Have your say

All continuing, fixed term, casual and sessional staff will receive an email invitation containing a link to the survey on 27 March.  Your feedback is confidential and the overall results will be independently analysed by Voice Project and communicated back to staff mid-year.

In addition, all staff who complete the survey will have an opportunity to enter a prizedraw for a $500 gift voucher.  It’s your University, don’t miss this opportunity to have your say!

See for more details.

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