A moment of calm

Image of Associate Vice-Chancellor VIC, Dr John Ballard.

A message from the Associate Vice-Chancellor Victoria, Dr John Ballard:

This week we are enjoying the eye of the storm before the intensity of exams and marking are in full force.

Last week the Vice-Chancellor briefed St. Patrick’s and Aquinas staff on University wide matters, including the positive outcome of our recent appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) regarding the development of what will be our major teaching building, to be named in honour of Saint Teresa of Kolkata.

We have two further approval hurdles to complete when we seek the Town Planning Approval from the Yarra City Council and a Heritage Council of Victoria. Construction of the new building will commence mid-2018 and we have web resources that will provide more detail on the proposed building as it evolves. Please visit the Melbourne Campus Development webpage for more information.

Our Properties team are now feverishly completing documentation to submit to the planning authorities for approval next week. I hope to be in a position early in the new year to confirm the successful outcome and the final form of the development.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge and commend the intensity of commitment and hard work by our academic and professional colleagues from all schools, faculties and directorates over the year that has enabled ACU to continue to grow in the flattening landscape of tertiary education. Good luck for Cup week and weathering the coming weeks.

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