Staff are encouraged to participate in Orientation activities

A good experience at Orientation is a key element in a student’s transition to university and successful engagement in university life.

Student feedback shows students highly value being able to meet and interact with academic and other university staff during Orientation. It is one of the major things they seek to do.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students, Learning and Teaching) Professor Anne Cummins extends a warm invitation to staff to join in Orientation during their relevant Course Introduction Sessions, session morning breaks and lunchtimes. This is the time students will be enjoying mingling, social and sport activities, entertainment – particularly on the days when the largest numbers of students attend, and, of course, food.

You will be welcome to join colleagues at Orientation information booths, or just chat to students or participate in the activities. T-shirts will be available at the DiscoverU booths – these will help students identify you.

The Orientation process has been incorporated into the Student Portal, meaning students will be able to start their ACU experience with the same system they will use throughout their studies.  Each student is provided with the ability to create a personal Orientation Planner; therefore students will only view Orientation events relevant to their course and campus.

You can find out the details about Orientation on each campus via the Staff Website.

Please note, these programs are provided for the reference of staff. Students are required to view their personal Orientation Planner via the Student Portal.  Staff with questions about Orientation programs should contact their representative on the local Orientation committee, or alternatively direct these queries to

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