Lean training back for 2018

Lean is a systematic and evidence-based approach to addressing issues affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Lean is a way of thinking and working that empowers employees with the tools and techniques that they can then apply to improve their own processes.

The Service Improvement Team will deliver Lean workshops in 2018 that cater for beginners as well as those wanting a more advanced understanding of Lean tools and techniques.

Lean@Lunch provides a short, gentle introduction to Lean philosophy and methodology. As well as covering some Lean basics, the session will include plenty of time for participants’ questions. The session is aimed at all staff who want a basic understanding of Lean and how it can be
used to improve existing processes. Bring your lunch and your questions!

Lean Fundamentals provides an orientation to Lean principles and tools. The half-day workshop is aimed at all staff who are involved in projects and teams that work on process or product improvement, and staff who would like to learn practical skills and techniques for contributing
to improvement initiatives. You won’t need any assumed knowledge for the workshop but curiosity about Lean and how it can improve existing processes is a must!

Advanced Lean builds on the content introduced in Lean Fundamentals. Using a case study approach, this one-day workshop is aimed at all staff who want to develop confidence in using a wide range of Lean tools that can be applied to any process improvement initiative. Lean Fundamentals
(or a basic understanding of Lean principles and methodology) is a pre-requisite for the workshop.

Register for a workshop on your campus via Staff Connect (on the Staff web page).

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